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19 hours ago, James.S said:

Just found an old photo of my golden lab Oscar from about 10 years ago, so he would've been about 5 here. The old boy's getting on a bit now..






Ah bless

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Picked my Hognose up from his hotel stay at the Reptile shop. They did manage to "assist" feed him a frogs leg but they think he's one that will go into brumation every year combined with breeding season which can make males go off of food. So it looks like he'll probably only eat half of the year. I have to say that I think I may have found one of the best Reptile shops in the country as they are always helpful and extremely enthusiastic about what they do (maybe a little too much as it's very difficult to leave without a new addition 😂). So if anyone wants to perhaps look into Reptiles, Amphibians or Invertebrates or has some and need some supplies go and check out Slitherin Reptiles in Coalville.


I'll try and get a pic of my Hognose in the next day or two after he has settled in again.

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