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  • Interests
    Mountain Biking
    Dirt Jump Biking
    And Rc Cars
  • RC Cars
    Fg Marder, Hobao Hyper 8, HSP Brushless Buggy, Tamiya Hornet, Tamiya Rising Fighter.

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Best one was need for speed underground 2.
  2. What's need for speed unbound like is it any good.
  3. Forza motorsport classic game such a good game.
  4. Looks fun the crawling fun game.
  5. I am currently playing Colin McRae rally crash team racing and Spyro.
  6. What games do you play on console.
  7. Thank you Nitroholic your a life saver.
  8. So build has come to a end top of the box I left on the kitchen floor while working on the car on the kitchen table other part of the box on the kitchen table with all the bits in it cat decided to come along and wee in the box on the kitchen floor went all over instructions.
  9. Going to be busy building this up for a while. Progress so far.
  10. My Tamiya Rising Fighter came yesterday going to be busy building this up for a while.
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