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53HRA last won the day on February 9 2024

53HRA had the most liked content!

About 53HRA

  • Birthday 09/05/1990

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    Various :)
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  1. Yes no probs ill catch up with you on WhatsApp 🙂
  2. £12 posted on the scale bits? 🙂
  3. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year all! Another year to RC’ing 😉 

    1. Stormbringer


      Right back at you mate :good:

    2. James.S


      Merry Christmas mate 🎅

  4. Do you just need something to pretend, and does it need to work? Ive got plenty, send me your address and I’ll pop one in the post for you 🙂
  5. I’m off the Codsall road 🤣 what a small world!
  6. Looks great, nice colour choice too!
  7. A bit of 1972 out of a collectors loft! I’m drawn to the smell of an old RC car
  8. Looks like there is a 1/6 Losi Lasernut on the way!



    1. Yorkshireman


      Yeah, looks very nice that. It'll be out of my price range though when it gets to the UK !

    2. markymarky


      Butt ugly 🙃

  9. This is new in box,80% factory assembled. The box and tyres have some storage marks but the buggy itself has never had electric’s etc fitted to it. More details can be found here A brilliant project for someone at a fraction of the price! RRP: £240 I’m looking for £165 including tracked postage!
  10. Welcome back fellow ex chat friend 😂
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