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Everything posted by Stormbringer

  1. in the title it says 1/10th but in blurb 1/24th but tt02 is 1/10th ?
  2. yep you definately need your ends to wobble
  3. Well when the cats away the mice shall play
  4. The XT90 handles higher current better than the XT60 XT60 is usually ideal in 10th scale but i wouldnt use them in possible high drain 1/8th scale
  5. I would replace both deans with XT90 connectors and get an xt90 loop cable like this https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/etronix-female-xt90-bridging-adaptor-with-10g-wire-loop-lead-425612 as you may in the future want to run 2x2s batteries instead
  6. 1st off i would change the deans connectors to XT90 connectors as i dont think the deans will handle the current the 2 connectors are so you can us 2 batteries but if using 1 battery a loop connector will be required
  7. Great minds think alike or is it fools seldom differ
  8. Welcome to the club mate my 1 was ordered 28th Jan and arrived today 4th Feb
  9. have you thought about a separate BEC to power the servos ?
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum Sounds interesting and looking forward to seeing the video As for crawlers theres FTX , FMS and Traxxas amongst others also theres various scales as well from 1/24th up to 1/8 but majority are usually 1/10th no doubt others will chime in with their prefered brands
  11. definately a fair collection mate
  12. nahhh keep posting mate its what the forums for
  13. the little black switch is the on off switch and could be the culprit for it not working try flicking it on off a few times see if its dirt or the battery is flat to old maybe give the battery a good charge and try again
  14. That servo saver looks the business
  15. Does look pretty smart
  16. Hi and welcome to the forum
  17. some pics of my 1 some extra bling lol
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