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Status Updates posted by supersavage

  1. Hmmm think I might have to try and get my hands on the losi promoto sm👀 



    1. Bajadre


      looks great with those slicks my mates got the standard handles so nice 👍

    2. Gaz!


      That looks awesome mate, loving the idea of tarmac tyres, maybe a bit cheaper than the Pro-line offerings.


      its a beast of a rc though. :good:

  2. Looks like Schumacher is going to be the importer and distributer of Vanquish products.

    1. Partydaz


      Brilliant news 🙂 I always wanted one of their crawlers just the whole importing one and getting spares put me off 😬.

    2. steephill


      Mint! About time. 

      There's no denying it, vanquish make nice products. 

  3. Hmmm there maybe a possibility of a Super Lasernut that's based on the new 8ight RTR. Apparently Tower hobbies has posted a couple of parts that cross over to a Super Lasernut.



    I've had a look and it looks like they've adjusted it. A super Lasernut does pique my interest though.

    1. SWF


      IMHO the Lasernut just looks sooo good!

      I’ve thought about getting one several times but always managed to  stop myself, after re-watching video of people spending a small fortune to make them reliable.


      Maybe one based on an 1/8 buggy platform would finally hook me, haha!

  4. These guys bring up a good point considering how many F1 drivers are or have been involved in RC it would be nice to see them supporting RC tracks. Such a shame some really iconic and important track are being forced to close ☹️ 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stormbringer


      Yeh its getting folks to them is problem as stated above

    3. supersavage


      While I don't disagree that lack of users and membership/race fees is a factor, I think it's more the landlords and land owners are either being offered large sums of money for the land by developers or being pressured by developers or maybe even the government or councils to sell the land. 

    4. Stormbringer


      possibly a combination of both 😞

  5. I may have bought home a baby Diamond Python Tuesday 🙄  I'll post some pics probably in a week or two after he's settled in :good:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. supersavage


      To be fair it wasn't my fault, the staff in the shop made me do it 🤔🤣 They even let me hold their 6 year  old one to show me what he'll be like when he's older 😅

    3. Stormbringer


      yeh blame the shop staff :rofl:

    4. Nitroholic


      yeah...they just sneaked it into your pocketwhile you weren;t looking, then swiped your credit card to cover their tracks.


      It's an age old trick, and I am amazed you fell for it 🤣

  6. Booked mum and the Navara in for an off road pay and play day. Could be interesting as it's completely standard with road tyres and doesn't have the optional locking diff fitted 😅 


    Looking forward to it though.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. supersavage


      It's next Sunday :good: I really hope it doesn't break as it's a daily driver 😅 Weather could be interesting as I think it's going to very wet and rainy.

    3. Stormbringer


      ohh cool well be carefull and have fun :good:

    4. supersavage


      Pic here 


  7. My Aunt bought me and my brother 4 bottles of Gin between us for Xmas, I think I forsee some rough mornings ahead 😅

    1. Stormbringer


      Woohoo new definition of a Merry Christmas but enjoy it mate :cheers:

      Dont drink it all at once tho :rofl:

  8. Has anyone or know anyone that has got their Losi promoto yet? I didn't pre order one and ended up getting another reptile instead but I don't think anyone's got their pre order yet. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BashingBrian


      I pre-ordered from Wheelspin, not heard anything since putting the order in..

      Honestly if we see them in the UK before 2024 I'll be amazed..!!

    3. supersavage


      Just seen the update Losi has posted on their Facebook page, let's just say I think if I pre ordered one I'd be cancelling it.

    4. oranjedrol


      We have a little bit of hope now. Modelsport has updated the listing saying expected 14th October

  9. The Victory Show is on this weekend, highly recommend if you can go you won't be disappointed. The range of aircraft this year is amazing. Just looked out the back door and saw the Dakota drop the parachutes for practice over the weekend which was pretty cool.

  10. Large Scale Off Road European Championship Live. Have to admit I miss racing Large scale.



    1. Tug


      Wouldn't mind a crack at that, but there's never the time. 

  11. Anyone else sense the Traxxas lawyers rubbing their hands together 🤣



    I actually could be quite tempted tbh. As much as I want the promoto I think it could be a long time before we see them over here, or at least see a second batch.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Grogg




      If I was a Traxxas lawyer, I'd be keeping extremely quite about the suspension, especially on their UDR as they didn't develop it, and ripped it off of someone else - Traxxas weren't the first to use that suspension setup on an RC and it's pretty much the standard for any 4wd vehicle that competes in the Paris to Dakar Rally.  But it's America, a country that will allow a relatively new mobile phone manufacturer to sue an older mobile phone manufacturer for having rounded corners instead of hard edges, even though the rounded corner design and radius of the corners on mobile phones predates both Apple and Samsung's entry into the mobile phone market by over a decade - it long predates both of these company's first prototypes for their first mobiles.  And allow a new start up company to sue to steal the name of an old well established and successful advertising company that's been around since the 60/70's.

    3. supersavage


      That doesn't stop them, Remember the Arrma nero I think it was.

    4. Grogg




      True, there's a very good reason why lawyers are referred to as ''Blood Suckers'' no matter where you are in the world.  They'll happily take on and charge you for their services, even when they are well aware that there is no hope in hell of them winning, as it's not their money on the line, and they get paid either way, even if the court case is thrown out of court/dismissed with prejudice - no ability to appeal the judges decision.

  12. I've never been a fan of RC motorcycles but if this thing works as well as it does in the promo video I know what I might be getting. It also looks like Pro Line are doing supermoto tyres for it as well.



    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Gaz!


      Hope it does because at £719, i couldn’t afford it and even if i did, i could think of other things that would benefit from that much £


      closer to the £500 mark would be about doable…. Still a fair old chunk though at that.

    3. tanveer


      Id have one at £500 

    4. supersavage


      Now has been adjusted to £579.99 and 629.99. still a little high but much more reasonable.

  13. Got the fancy for a basher of some sort but have no idea what I want 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lone-wolf


      The superforza is a nice idea. I would ask myself , do i want on road or off road, and do i have a decent place to run a nice rig

    3. supersavage


      The Superforza does interest me I must admit however while overpriced I know how well the Arrmas drive. I have places for both on and off road so that isn't an issue, though off road wise the local park has to be the worlds most flat and boring park 🤣 The only problem is the park has a tendency of being absolutely covered in dog mess.  

    4. supersavage


      Think I've narrowed it down to a Felony, Notorious, Typhon (TLR tuned one maybe 🤔 ), Wide Maxx or the Hobao VSe pro buggy roller/kit thing. Realistically it'll be a good month or so before I can get one of these but for the moment I am leaning towards the Arrmas or the Hobao.

  14. So I may have got another snake, a Bredls Python or Centralian Carpet Python that I'll hopefully be picking up next Saturday. I'm a bit nervous about this one as it's considered a step up from what I have and it could potentially grow up to 9ft if it's female (it's still a bit too young to know for sure whether it's male or female) though it's rare for them to get that big. I've done as much research as my brain can hold on them and they seem to pretty docile when they get older, there are exceptions but for Carpet Pythons for the most part they are pretty laid back and easy going though being Australian it'll have a crazy food response. Thay can be a bit nippy when they're small but this one seems fairly tame as it's been handled regularly in the shop. But I can't wait 😁 I'll post pics in the show us your pets thread when I've got it settled in :good:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. supersavage


      Yep. I hadn't intended to get this many but I've been enjoying doing the research for various ones and honestly if it wasn't for having a reptile shop near me that will continue to support new and old keepers alike with advice etc. I don't think I'd have gotten into it like I have. Though this will probably be the last one as I'm running out room for them 🤣 Plus I don't want to fall into the hording trap which is alarming easy to do. 

    3. Stormbringer


      Yeh it is mate :insane:

    4. Yrkoon


      hehe awesome bud, dad and i are well aware of the hoarding trap, we used to have the house filled with fish tanks with american cichlids and cat fish 🙂

  15. Anyone else hear the sonic boom from the Typhoons that were redirected to intercept an aircraft with communication problems yesterday? We thought it was an explosion from a nearby industrial estate or something like a tanker exploded on the M1.

    1. .AJ.


      Na, saw it on the news this morning though 

    2. totlxtc


      Yup, heard it over here West Oxfordshire. Thought a lorry had crashed nearby.

    3. Rustic Ade

      Rustic Ade

      Here in North Northamptonshire/South Leicestershire it shook our windows, thought my boss had blown himself up in the workshop nextdoor.

  16. New TLR tuned LMT  looks good but I bet its got a hefty price tag attached to to it.




    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ross9999992


      Wheelie bump with integrated flag mount!!



    3. Bajadre


      am sure the americans will lap this one up, seems they sell dirt cheap 2nd hand over here for the standard version

    4. Ross9999992


      Yeah they do all that mini monster jam stuff over there but I can't say I've ever seen much interest in it over here. We still like our monster trucks to be able to go round corners at speed even if they do topple over :topbanana:

  17. Merry Christmas all

    1. froggy8


      Merry Christmas to you too mate

    2. GMballistic


      Merry Christmas ~ hope you're having a good day. 

    3. Stormbringer


      Merry Christmas  mate :cheers:

  18. Hemistorm really did a number on a lot of people 🤣🤣

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. supersavage
    3. Stormbringer


      quite good and he did catch fair few folks out with it :rofl:

      does look a decent truck tho :good:

    4. Kpowell911


      Jokes apart that looks incredible 

    1. Rover Man

      Rover Man

      Im looking for a real one but anything half decent is mega money and any i can aford are ready for the skip lol 


  19. Trying to tame down my little spotted python is going to be an interesting journey I think. Discovered she has a really high food drive (unlike my Hognose 🙃) and that she thinks the ends of my fingers are more or less the same size as the pinky mice she's currently eating 😅 Got nibbled on 😂

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. supersavage


      I wasn't trying to feed her just had to redo her enclosure and had to get her out but she had other plans 😂 After I feed her Tuesday she might calm down a bit. They can be a bit bitey when they're young but if you work with them and show them you're no threat to them they'll be a great handleable snake. 


      Unfortunately no luck with my Hoggy yet, even the reptile shop is having difficulty with him so they're going to try him on some tuna. Knowing my luck I've probably got a Hoggy that has really expensive taste 😂

    3. Stormbringer


      really hope they get him to eat mate 

    4. Scottyb


      I was so confused thinking this post was about a Corally

  20. MB Models are clearing most of their Arrma range. Wish I could get that last Infraction.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tug


      New releases coming?

    3. supersavage


      Not sure I think it's more likely just MB having a clear out.

    4. Daddyroo


      Could be updated versions coming using the v2 limitless chassis layout maybe? 

  21. Someone buy my LMT so I can get another snake 🐍 😁

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lone-wolf


      If i were getting another snake i would get a north american bull/pine snake, they are ace with the kinda "frown" expression and they get a good size but not huge

    3. supersavage


      In regards of the fancy morph stuff it isn't necessarily true that they have health issues but it does seem to vary from species to species and probably more so of hybrid variants.

    4. Yrkoon


      i would love a snake but would be scared of the cats getting to it or the the wee guy escaping, my sister used to have 2 corn snakes male and female and they were very interesting pets 🙂


      your wee guy is cute, hope he starts eating soon 🙂

  22. Anyone going to the scale nationals next weekend? Hoping to get there Sunday with my TRX4 and my brother will be putting his Knightrunner through its paces. Just hope that they both last as the last time I went my TRX4 took a beating.

    1. Stormbringer


      Good luck mate but have fun :good:

    2. Lone-wolf


      giving it a miss this year

    3. Gaz!


      I’ll be there mate, all of us will be running trx4’s.


      I’ll keep my eyes peeled for you too :good:

  23. Anyone seen the SCX6 Honcho? I really like the looks of it.

    1. supersavage


      Think there are other videos on it but this is what I found.



    2. supersavage
    3. Tug


      The only scale truck I'd be interested in, in any of its forms. Go big, or go home. 

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