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Kpowell911 last won the day on August 15

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About Kpowell911

  • Birthday 15/01/1987

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    Football, Bodybuilding, Comics
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    Not Enough Space Now, See Sig.
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  1. I think OP was being sarcastic 😉
  2. Im 37, I never ever ever wanted kids…... Had absolutely no interest in kids or knowledge of what to do with kids. Im an only child, and none of my mates really have kids so no experience with them. However, My daughter was born in January….. Its by far the best and most significant thing ever. My life and priorities have completely changed. My whole world revolves around her. Every decision I make now is because of her. She is my absolute world, and being a Dad is the hardest but best thing to ever happen to me. Its ridiculously hard at times, and I havent a clue what Im doing most of the time. Im so lucky to have an amazing girlfriend who is doing a brilliant job. Its a massive strain financially (we now want to live on just my income) but its such a life changing period that I wouldnt change for anything 😄 I worship her!
  3. A lower KV will always pull the higher gearing better. To pull high gearing you want more torque than RPM
  4. My favourite day of the working week 😉
  5. Drop me a PM with your address and Ill get them in the post as soon as I can. Might not be instant mind
  6. I attempted to do some R/Cing today but my daughter stopped that. I found these. Theyre no brand Alloy Bead Locks. I bought then and never got to grips with them. Two are brand new in pack, 2 are opened. Ive lost the screws, and some screws are snapped but Im sure someoke can make use of them. Ive also got the injora jig somewhere to help build them. Theyre destined for the bin unless theyre of any use to anyone here? Free of charge Ill even pay postage. Id theyre not claimed Ill bin them 🙂
  7. Price of milk has gone up Price of bread has gone up Price of fuel has gone up Price of mortgages/rent has gone up Its not an RC thing, its a life thing. Everything has gone up! I actually think RC is as cheap as ever compared to inflation. Second hand prices are daft I agree. Its worth what it sold for on eBay. HPI went through horrendous financial issues, which has knocked confidence in them. Traxxas have gone from strength to strength (not always using the best morals).
  8. Im hearing a few new Traxxas releases coming soon including and Electric Jato 4x4 (no idea why its not called a Bandit 4x4) and a 1/16th Scale XMaxx/Maxx 🤔🤔

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Gaz!


      To each his own, are you happy with your rc?? I’m happy with mine, so all good yeah??


      that could also be applied to your micro crawlers, how do they fair against your brown F150??

      Being roughly half the price (mods aside).


      finally for me, the parts back-up, third party manufacturers are one of the most important factors when buying a rc, thats just my thing, doesnt mean other stuff gets overlooked just a bit more thought about.

      ive wasted far too much money on rc, more than i would ever like to admit anyway….

    3. beyondRC


      @bertberr I have always been a fan of Traxxas and they do make a generally good high quality product although electronics are debatable lol. Price wise I think can be justified a lot of the time. I think its definitely their business practices that are causing a lot of hate these days. This is highly controversial but I think id rather run Traxxas over Arrma at the moment. Never had an issue obtaining spares for my xmaxx and sometimes cheaper to repair than my smaller 1/8th Scale ARRMA cars. I have been eyeing up a Maxx 4s for ages now! Maybe I will sell all my ARRMA cars and go full on Traxxas Mode hehe 🤪

    4. Gaz!


      Yep, exactly @bertberr. I dont agree with their morals and how they operate, but they know how to market rc and they have produced some absolute belters over the years.


      to be fair these days, i think you have to spend a lot more carefully, whatever you buy. There is always going to be businesses that aren’t 100% morally correct but as long as there is demand, they survive.


      quite shocking how civilisation has changed over the past 20 odd years….

      anyhoo, ive hijacked this thread enough lol….sorry.

  9. Nice a V2 Wide Maxx too! Such a great RC!
  10. Worn bearings or cracked plastics?
  11. Job screening is the most teeth pulling, anger inducting, violating, intrustive process Ive ever had the misfortune to deal with. No wonder UK has a job issue!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bertberr


      Is it just that company or is that typical nowadays when applying for a job? 

    3. Kpowell911


      @bertberr I think its just this sort of company. Its only an Alarm Engineer job, but I do high security sites so I think theres just more checks. Bizarrely I already have all the relevant clearances needed but they need doing again in tjie companies name. Its just so stressful. You get an email asking for something. I send it and then I dont hear anything for a few days. If they just acknowledged theyd received what Ive sent Id appreciate that but its just nothing. Its already being 16 days and the online progress hasnt move 😕

    4. Ziggy122


      companies put up more barriers then they claim to fix....


      all want everything for nothing....


      don't like my job but moving is what puts me off

  12. I bought a second hand Slash 4x4 and it had those on. They were great so I ended up running them on all of my Slash 4x4 based RC's. Much better than MIP's (Which rust) and X-01's (which cost a fortune and arent that strong).
  13. Does this no longer exist?
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