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Nitro carb spitting

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Hey all,


Just got this tmaxx and the carb is spitting when I hold down the exhaust and turn it over. Here is a video:

Im pretty sure it's not supposed to do this. Is the carb ****ed or something else?



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Plugging the exhaust to get fuel through the lines. No not brand new. Not trying to start it here just showing you the fact that it's spitting fuel from the filter, otherwise you can't see it. My other nitros don't do this 

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If the exhaust is blocked then some of the atomised air/fuel mixture will be forced out the carb due to the crank creating positive pressure as the exhaust port is blocked.  

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If your fuel lines are full of fuel, and you block the exhaust outlet and spin over the engine, the overlap on the port timing will blow pressure back through the crankcase. It's only exit is the carb. Well...assuming your engine is properly sealed anyway.

If your crankcase has a build up of fuel in it, say...from starting attempts or rich running, then fuel will spit back through the carb.


the carbs on these things are very simple affairs. Just a slider or rotary valve really, to control the air flow. 


If your carb is at idle, there should be a small gap open for the air inlet, around 1mm or so at it's widest point. That means the air is going to come out under reasonable pressure. Enough to spit fuel. 


Take out the glowplug, turn the car upside down, and give it a few cranks with starter. Put a cloth down to catch whatever spits out. 


The previous owner may have had the car in storage with a big dollop of after run oil in there to prevent gumming or corrosion, or there could be a load of unburnt fuel in there. I'd give it a good clearout and see if it still does it. 

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