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steephill last won the day on November 1 2024

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  1. I really want to do a chimney dive on this....
  2. Crashed into the snow several times, broke two props. Sorry about the video quality.
  3. And a Speedybee Mario 5. I was quite surprised how nice the larger quads are to fly. Stable, smooth and seem to float for ages compared to whoops and smaller quads.
  4. @Lone-wolf I started with analogue, but couldn't resist hd. Both those above are walksnail avatar. The 3.5 is the avatar v2 pro and the other v2. I still use analogue for tiny whoops and one of my 3.5 freestyle quads.
  5. Built a couple of freestyle fpv quads. Both FlyFish Volador frames, they look nice and strong. I've crashed my darwin baby ape 2 a few times, it fell about 50ft from the top of a tree and the front part of the frame is loose. Volador vx3 Vx3.5
  6. Been fairly busy with this cute little dude... 

    Volador builds & Benny Volador builds & Benny Volador builds & Benny Bella, Benny & Ralph Bella, Benny & Ralph

    He's 11 weeks old, called Benny. He's confident and unbelievably well behaved so far for a puppy. 

    He's now got a thing for going after my tiny whoops. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Yrkoon


      im more a cat person but love puppies, your dogs look adorable 🙂

    3. steephill


      @YrkoonThanks mate :good:

      I did have a cat, she used to slap the dogs if she thought they needed it. 

    4. Stormbringer


      Cats can be so good at keeping dogs in their place :rofl:

  7. I got a set of these to go on a 1/8 truggy.... https://www.injora.com/products/5-13v-28-28mm-superbright-a-pillar-light-square-lamp-for-1-6-1-8-rc-crawler-car The take up to 13 volts. I tried them on a 3s battery and they are the brightest rc lights I have seen. You could get away with just one on the front because they are so bright.
  8. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/296500811108?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=k4uhqqzktxs&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=FznbBxPrRhS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08FLZXSD7?ref=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_JJBXAG175TRNTJES6ZEY_1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_JJBXAG175TRNTJES6ZEY_1&social_share=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_JJBXAG175TRNTJES6ZEY_1&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1 Here's a couple of links for light controllers. Like @wombat said, connect to a spare channel and you can turn them on and off with your transmitter.
  9. The size of the rivets on the RSJ in the first picture. I can't imagine how scary it would be to punch them in at that height. @horatio nice post mate
  10. Just checked my email and I got a dispatched email from modelsport. 

    Hobao hyper tt2.0 is on the way! 

    I've got a few different motor and esc's to try. 

    Pretty quick servo, I think it's 0.8 on 7.4v.

    A set of the older version Proline badlands and trenchers. 

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. GasmanDom


      Hello, how are you finding the TT then, have u had much chance to run it? Thoughts on the electric setup, fast enough? Close to ordering one just want to hear from someone who actually has one. Cheers

    3. steephill



      I've had 2s lipo run outside. 

      With the surpass 4300kv it's reasonably quick on 2s. 

      The motor is a bit coggy for my liking. Just a cheap motor I had spare.

      I'm going to fit a hobbywing Xerun 3656 motor. 

      On 3s it will be quick enough for me. 

      If you're after a 1/10 truggy, you'll like the Tt2.0. Great handling. 

      What are you thinking, the roller or rtr? 

    4. GasmanDom


      Thanks for the info, definitely the roller, but I've just checked and Modelsport are now out of stock 🙈! Am trying to decide best electronics for a 3s setup, was thinking hobbywing 120 esc but wasn't sure on motor and servo yet so waiting to see what everyone else does 

  11. Been bashing the tinyhawk about today with the last of the daylight.
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