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Everything posted by Gaz!

  1. Wow, that properly looks like a cheap kiddie toy!! cant believe Axial (one of the leading brands in this sector) aren’t doing something a bit better, yes, good on them doing something from the norm. I’d even take one of the jeep versions over this…..
  2. * Wheelbase – 8.66″ * Width – 9.94″ In the info above fella Yeah, i was thinking along those lines, that and the 1/16th Traxxas chassis. i have to say, im incredibly tempted to sell my huge Xmaxx for couple of these for me and the lad, trying to gauge the size of them and if my minds right, it should be perfect to chuck in the back of car just in case…… so……
  3. Now you say that but i did have one replaced (a few years ago), spoke to the shop explains why I’d changed the old 2 wire Traxxas connector to a Losi ec3 and it got sorted, a fresh replacement direct from Traxxas, with another stock connector fitted. that was as i say a few years ago and back then it was just a 2 wire connection, however nowadays they have the multi wire connectors making them trickier to put your preferred connector on, i ended up having to buy 2 adapter leads to go from Traxxas to ec5’s. And yes the batteries aren’t the worst but massively overpriced. I got mine in a deal with the X-maxx otherwise I wouldn’t have bought them. There’s plenty of choice battery wise now, just have a look round, im fairly sure that there will be many threads recommending the best alternative brands for Li-po batteries.
  4. Wow, your not going to trip up over it, thats for sure!! does anyone have one of these (different shell versions)?? How do they stack up against a Kyosho Mini-z, are they a cheaper alternative?? I know the Kyosho shells are abs and all a work of art but £200+ is i think a bit much….. this however could well tick many boxes, it looks like it will take a stand alone esc and rx so thats good news and is 2s ready, hmmm……
  5. Yeah does seem to be quiet, people aren’t spending like the used to and any rc purchase has to be thought out for many folk. back when i was working, id almost guarantee a new rc every month, lost a small fortune but got to play with and experience many different rc from different companies, now i have to be very careful what i buy when i can afford it, hence going the Traxxas route. Thats not to say I wouldn’t try some other if money wasn’t the big issue. doesnt look too bad for the money and i believe Rlaarlo make some pretty serious looking 1/12 pan cars so hopefully be more of the same….. is there any upgrade cvd’s kicking about for it? (could well be based on something else) i really am interested in these smaller scale trucks, take up no room and i can leave it in the 1:1, then if i get man urges or happen by somewhere, then i can have my therapy…. keep us posted if you do go for it though please mate, id be very interested in hearing your thoughts.
  6. Me personally, leave them fully charged a maximum of a week, then storage charge them to 3.8v and stored safely. if you follow the rules with charging/storage/discharging the a Li-po battery is no more unsafe than a Nimh battery, ive seen one of those vent and by the time it had done, the car was a puddle of melted plastic. i would also recommend always charging at 1c so a 5000mah lipo would be 5amps.
  7. Yep more or less same here, i found them a bit fiddly to solder, to the point i melted the outer case so much the tab became distorted and heres the big issue for me, if you have big hands with sausage fingers, Deans connectors are hard work, if the casings were bigger and better to grip might be another story, although i know plenty of guys still using them and are very happy. always been a fan of the Losi ec2/3/5’s up until the Trx4m’s came along, now i use xt30’ and work so much better, small but still enough to grip a hold of. yeah i can agree of the bad publicity of cloned connectors but if people didn’t buy them, they wouldn’t exist, i cant fathom why anybody would spend a small fortune on a rc set-up then use the cheapest connectors out there. Complete false economy!!! Couple that to losing you rc or heaven forbid home due to the knock off connector. the best take away from that demonstration, whichever connector you buy, buy the original not a hundred connectors for 50p shipped.
  8. Always good to see another chassis/shell without massive body posts too
  9. Never had a Traxxas touring car chassis, they dont look too bad but i can guarantee it will be too expensive…
  10. Yeah a massive difference mate, although credit where its due, the Injora brushed esc is very good too, just finding a good strong motor to go with it, ive yet to test my Ir40 with the Injora esc and a Holmes motor (came out my Defender) hopefully best it can be whilst i save for a brushless set-up. on another small note, have you seen the MN (i think thats the brand) have released a light blue Range Rover classic?? It’s about £70 i think, im definitely interested in know some of the dimensions of that, i would if i could use a Trx4m donor??? body itself does look very good from the limited pics, the wheel arches haven’t been chopped out as much.
  11. Bump. Willing to let go cheap now…. how about £100 all in for the lot!! the wheels and tyres alone were £120 when bought new. could really do with this lot selling please….
  12. Gaz!


    Anyone interested in this??
  13. Here’s latest pic of where the addiction started. Nearly there with it now, just a decent set of suspension links left to get. thanks for looking.
  14. Managed to get half hour playtime, oh my the Injora brushless combo is so smooth, makes technical bits much easier. Also that servo as yet is another good purchase, has a much stronger feel and if the front wheels are caught up, twitches the rest of the truck so yeah very happy with that too. Last mod, was trimming the bumper over riders off, that has worked very well too but the paint has soon been scratched off, no biggie though. last thing to buy for my Defender now is a set of decent straight links, at the moment its looking like some from Treal… i do want to convert my Ir40 over to brushless as well but maybe with the bigger motor and specialised gearbox to suit, then that ones finished too. now this last week as been a real crappy week for numerous reasons, so the mood has been quite low, to the point that i was looking at the Ir60 body i have (really pee’d off that I didn’t wait for the purple one without the stripes on the side) and if im honest, i lost interest in it, luckily my lad was straight on the case so i decided to give it to him with basically all the bits to make a runner, i had some complete Injora alloy/brass axles, alloy gearbox with metal gears hd shafts, alloy links, Injora shocks and all on i carbon chassis i bought a little while ago then he saw the Rocket rc brushless combo and decided he wanted that too so he has that, he picked out a set of wheels from my box and tyres but unfortunately one of them has been mounted up wrong and split about 1/3 off…..typically my luck though, im gonna try and glue it although i dont have to correct stuff. Thanks for looking.
  15. Just a good job were in the U.K then…. I like the idea of a free repair/replace though, good for them. it covers a couple of my rc (unless U.K. purchases are exempt), job for the weekend then i guess….
  16. Great work!! would a alloy bulkhead not have worked??
  17. R.I.P. Kris Kristofferson.


    a fantastic actor and country singer/song writer.


    think i will watch Convoy tonight…

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. toyolien


      Convoy was one of my favourite films as a kid. That and Smokey and the Bandit.

    3. Yrkoon
    4. Davy Crockett

      Davy Crockett


      @Gaz! Will be doing the same at the weekend

      @toyolien Totally agree, Convoy and Smokey & the Bandit in my top 10


      "Yeah, we definitely got the front door, Good Buddy
      Mercy sakes alive, looks like we've got us a convoy"

  18. Bloody hell mate, you painted it for me…… That looks like my old 1:1 disco….. can i have first dibs on it though please mate, would look great with my MST disco….. how big is it would you say compared to the Trx4m?? great job as ever though That was the first time me and the lad went off-roading in the Peak District, most of those lanes have closed now…
  19. What kinds of stuff would you be interested in?? if you want to send me a pm with what could be of interest, i can have a look through the “stuffs”
  20. Are you looking at a cash sale or would you be possibly interested in any trades at all??
  21. @Seanv459, please only “bump.” Your thread once daily please mate as per sales rules, Cheers.
  22. These weren’t too bad, but alas, the parts back-up was sketchy at best…. there is another one listed with rpm parts fitted, looks a nicer truck overall for around £170 ish, thats a fairer start but still a bit too much….
  23. KYOSHO, TAMIYA AND ALL OTHER RC COMPANIES, See it can be done, (well done to Redcat) you can make a fantastic body and not ruin it with big silly body posts and R clips, best leave those to “non” scale looking rc
  24. Those shells are all stunning, great attention to detail although wheels look a touch too small to me. interested to see how the suspension/servos work.
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