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Nick last won the day on June 3 2024

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  • Birthday September 5

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    Websites, outdoors, canoes, cars, tech and animals... alot of stuff!
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    FTX Outback
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  1. This is on at the weekend, is anyone going? Entries are full but spectating welcome. The finals will be on the Sunday. πŸ™‚ https://www.modelsport.co.uk/p/50thvintagenational I shall be there but not racing!
  2. Not as dead as Petrol. Obviously the tech surge of electrics killed a lot of it off but also the lack of places to use noisy IC RCs, it seems like every place I used to run RCs has turned into a park, or housing estate.
  3. Nick


    I had a 1 on 1 fly fishing guide for a day about 3 weeks ago, really enjoyed it. I think I prefer normal coarse(?) fishing though, probably because it doesn't involve wading into the water but I did love the motion of casting with fly fishing, it felt more immersive. I'm tempted to get some kit when I've decided which route to go down.
  4. Their latest statement on companies house says they have Β£191,000 of debt. He hasn't listened to any of the feedback on social media, he just deletes and blocks anyone who has any critical feedback. Good thing forums like this exist. @ad456m - could I ask who you use that has good shipping to Scotland and what makes it better than others?
  5. I just can't grasp what a model shop could do other than have the same models as everyone else on display and perhaps its own RC track. Like you have said @Kpowell911 the hobby is so niche, the footfall and reach of people actually visiting a brick and mortar store is terrible. Also, who is asking for it? I think people are quite happy with ordering online. It has taken decades for Modelsport and Wheelspin (whom have also just built a track) to get to where they are. This guy wants it all tomorrow without putting in the work it takes to get there.
  6. I think it looks desperate. He says "we've struggled and dumped every penny we make into inventory and marketing" so is asking people to donate so they can expand and bring their shop in Rochester to the rest of the country, vaguely saying about better ecommerce and more retail stores (but then says how 98% of the funds will be used on their current store...). I honestly hope nobody spends money on this. It's a business not a charity. Makes you wonder what his credit history is like if he's asking the public for money. Β£50k for 10% off and free shipping.
  7. Hi Bill, welcome to the forum. To be honest, I'd be surprised if this is worth anything of value, especially in the condition it is in and the questionable home made bits. I'd perhaps clean it up so it at least doesn't look greasy and put it on eBay at Β£1 no reserve - but don't expect to get more than some beer money for it.
  8. We consolidated a lot of the forum sections, including Tutorials/Guides because of lack of activity. It looks better to have 1 busy section than 5 that aren't. So we squeezed a lot of areas together. Forum is still going okay but nothing like before - I think it could pick up again as there is a shift in Social Media that shows people want a community and want to have discussions, not just 5 second videos and scrolling to the next one. However I don't think it will ever be as popular as it once was. Merch has gone just because it didn't do very well, but as above, that might make a return as we see more activity. Yeah Chat died a death a long time ago, I was considering Discord at one point. Covid was nuts for RC, it BOOMED! It was the most successful and popular time for the hobby by a landslide. I still work at Modelsport. πŸ˜„
  9. Some interesting old stuff here! https://www.vectis.co.uk/modern-diecast.-kits-model-auction/2024-06-11?attr_val=e30%3D&cat=W10%3D&display=grid&el=1001503&header_id=0&hest=400&keyword=&lest=5&lo=ASC&pn=3&pp=96&scat=W10%3D
  10. Hi @EddieL, sorry I keep missing these replies! I will drop you a PM.
  11. Although MSUKForum started a few years before, this version of the forum will turn 20 this November, crazy!

    1. Lone-wolf


      been going a long time, must be doing it right

  12. Welcome back Ziggy!!! It's been a while! Sorry to hear you are having hard times, hope it picks up soon and of course... enjoy RCing!! πŸ˜„ Do you own RCs at the moment? We could really do with some more of you old members back!!
  13. Hello! Welcome to the forum. πŸ™‚ The old airfield near Middlezoy is a good place to bash, easy to park up.
  14. Thought I'd change the logo a bit since it's been the same for nearly 10 years lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stormbringer


      Very niceΒ :good:

    3. markymarky


      Didn't make the forum any more slow than it is already so I guess it was a success πŸ˜„Β 

    4. Yrkoon


      new sticker line incoming? πŸ™‚


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