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Alex97 last won the day on February 1 2024

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    from model sport

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  1. Please advoid Creality printers, Bambu is years ahead of them, either the A1 or A1 mini would serve you better.
  2. It's just harder than it should be IMO. I find even when I've got the direct link I doesn't always work. The forums approach is very backwards IMO.
  3. How's everyone posting pictures now? Direct links work for a while however they've since stopped, the old ULR link also doesn't work and I'm not longer a gold member. Limiting members too 5mb is massively short-sighted in my opinion, the more people who post on here generates more traffic + creates more web results that are linked to the forum that in turn increases traffic/ viewers of Ads. I know that storage costs money however the number topics on here with missing pictures is such a shame and surely the increased traffic and revenue from adds would cover that?
  4. I'm not sure if this counts however I built this lego McLaren MP4/4 and printed my own tires as the stock were terrible. [url=https://postimg.cc/PLcVqxyF][img]https://i.postimg.cc/PLcVqxyF/20240330-192529.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://postimg.cc/1V1WpjLG][img]https://i.postimg.cc/1V1WpjLG/20240330-192406.jpg[/img][/url]
  5. £75 was just a safe limit however yes £135 is the official limit however I try to stick below that.
  6. 4-5 orders in an so far I haven't been taxed.
  7. They offer free shipping over £40 (I think it's £40) so if split that order up to reduce the chance of a big tax bill. Keep each order under £75 to play it safe 👍
  8. An injora TRX4M (if you can still call it that) will give you a awesome rig. I know I haven't spent £300 on mine due to being able to sell the traxxas parts to cover the upgrades cost however for £300 no doubt you'll have a higher spec than me. The Injora electrics have good feedback. Unless you spend £100s I don't think you'll get much better for the price.
  9. Grease is fine as long as it's only internal, like @Nitroholic said it attracts grit and dirt which turns into a nasty paste.
  10. Brass links and brass skid plate yes. Shock lift kits are pretty ridiculed over on the TX4M FB pages for doing nothing. If you plan on using the stock body then I'd stick with the stock shocks as any extra travel will cause rubbing so won't add any performance. At this stage I'd only be buying upgrades that could be transferred over to caged style build, currently you seem in two minds about it. Brass hubs & diffs covers are a good option that can be carried across to pretty much any build. Brass 1.0" wheels are also a good idea as you can add bigger tires later on if you want so you don't end up buying things twice. Buying from Injora directly is way cheaper then from MS and usually arrives within 2 weeks.
  11. There's two routes you can go with this- -Stock style body for more of a scale rig, looks great however you'll be limited to the wheels size and amount of suspension travel you can have due to binding on the body. - Injora tarantula style cage where you aren't that limited to what you can run however you don't get the scale look. Personally I went for the cage style as that's what I prefer.
  12. You'll be limited what you can do with that stock body as any bigger wheels will catch.
  13. I've struggled to find mini deans connectors. Your best bet might be to find someone local to help? If I was changing I'd go for XT60s as they are a all round better connector.
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