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Davy Crockett

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Davy Crockett last won the day on April 8 2019

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  • RC Cars
    More than I should....... apparently!

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  1. I'll post a couple of pics tomorrow of the two together so you can compare
  2. I got some LEDs from ebay, pared back the rubber tubing to expose the wires and checked which wire was positive. Stripped the insulation back and soldered the LEDs in.... Job done
  3. Haven't spent much time but token gesture of an interior. Not the greatest but it'll do the job
  4. Long story but ended up with another FMS Discovery. As with my other, repainted it and added rear LED lights. Few minor mods, mostly cosmetic. Also (as usual!) made a lightbar from keychain torch (hidden under 'box')
  5. Rear LED lights added and thats it all finished, kit packed and ready for adventure
  6. Cheers for the compliment pal ☺️ did think about yours when I chose the colour and while spraying! 1st dibs to @Gaz! wheelbase is 137mm body about 205mm
  7. Just back from the bodyshop 😁 photos dont do colour justice, deep metallic green almost british racing green
  8. I win idiot of the week!!

    Don't put painted rc bits in the air fryer to dry... Very low heat but doesn't end well 😢:rofl:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stormbringer


      lovely paint finish shame the parts melted tho :rofl: 

    3. Rcmanman


      U got a picture 

    4. Yrkoon
  9. Working away and hardly touched my lodge allowance so thought I'd treat myself!
  10. Bit of progress & more to come. Working on interior and hoping to print for weekend. Started fitting the cheap ally shocks and a real PITA!! 🤣🤓
  11. Patience my friend....... Nowt major, bit of printing and paint hopefully look a bit more 'scale'. Post some progress pics soon
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