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Everything posted by Gaz!

  1. Hmm, seen loads of threads here about Bang good and Aliexpress, i was hoping to avoid these in fairness… as for model, not a clue as of yet, on the front we have a relatively new roadway (its a cul-de-sac so never mega busy) or my lawn on the back, would be advantageous to be able to be used at the park or campsite etc. i need to sit down and go through all the models available and to what degree each offers suitability wise, i was originally planning on a Arrma from but something keeps stopping me from hitting the buy now button, i had a really sour taste of Arrma in the past, lost loads of money and it broke in the first 5 yards of use.
  2. I believe its a guy who is doing the rc news for us, he has a variety of sources for the news. as for what it is, is it a release copying the static model maybe??
  3. Please tell me if thats still the same in 10-15 years time???? all Traxxas aside, im quite fancying a MJX of sorts, perfect size for what i want, durable and 2s power is also is more than enough. next thing, finding a reputable seller?? first guess would be Amazon?
  4. If it helps, that can only ever be a good thing. Nice one
  5. I raced some years back…. im not the person your looking for to be honest although i would be very interested in seeing the final video always happy to help you with your rc purchase too, just give me a shout oh yeah, welcome to Msuk Gaz.
  6. Looks like a great little spot for it too. Great pics
  7. @Rat-Matt-RC, Great job so far mate, always like the red body whilst we are showing them off…. Only difference now is that it now has Treal links fitted.
  8. Sorry to hear that mate, and if i had the money, i would be on it like a shot! Unfortunately rc spends are getting squeezed to buggery now…..
  9. I’m quite local to you too, how far in do you go and whats the access like now?? been in there a fair few times when i had the Disco, some good lines/tracks i will say though, it has to get a bit warmer first lol.
  10. Body and wheels aren’t for me either but the defender 90 hardbody would sit on this very nicely. It’s also very good to see what would be considered as hop-ups becoming stock spec.
  11. Gaz!

    No longer needed.

    Bump. Also looking for a Losi mini buggy/truggy now too, ideally a 2.0 but would be tempted in a sorted 1.0. cheers.
  12. Blooming typical, my lad’s pre-ordered Mini Maxx has been pushed back to 16th march now……he isnt a happy bunny! I cant wait to have a go with it either, what did cross my mind though, i wonder if Traxxas have done a v2 already with better diffs….seems weird the second batch is delayed. could be way off the mark though….
  13. Thank you very much, might take you up on that mate, possibly even a trip to your local model shop, be rude not to….
  14. Gaz!


    Are you selling the hop-ups for it separately mate??
  15. I’m hoping for a holiday up your way @PraetoR, the scenery is just epic!!
  16. Quite possibly mate, ive had that many yep any 12mm hex wheels will fit
  17. Can you get a pic of the socket on the charger please?? I might have one you can have… edit. Looks like your sorted.
  18. Looks fantastic mate, fancy giving my car a clean?? I see the little mini van lives close by too, always good if you need any help agree with you about the folk you meet too, we did something similar with the Land Rover folk, loads of people from all backgrounds, kinda miss it now. although my current vehicle has a big following and yet to experience one of there shows (fingers crossed this year!)
  19. Typically with Traxxas (other companies do it too!) the bead on stock tyres differs from company to company so Injora tyres wont work as the bead is much smaller, I’d personally recommend you swap out the stock wheels too, for what they cost now too, other benefit is of course more low down weight so will be much more capable on the rough stuff. if your dead set on using the stock wheels, the Chevy and Ford High trail tyres would be my choice, the Mickey Thompson Baja pro’s they have really good grip although not that “sticky” a compound, just to complicate things a little more, im unsure whether they wouldn’t rub the arches of the body as they are bigger. Hope that helps a bit
  20. Yes mate, back in 2015, lol, ive had had another if i could get one for that. chassis wise its the same as the wild willy amongst many others, TL-01 hubs and knuckles and rear hubs, the lower arms are im 90% sure they are off the TL-01 too…. as for shocks, that would be easily overcome too, i had touring car shocks on mine, in fact, ill try to find a pic if i still have them. edit, can’t find any, must had got rid of them, i did mine two tone, Tamiya ts52 lime ice with gunmetal grey lower half. Proper gutted i don't have any pics…… after all that, @PraetoR yes mate, more than doable, might need a gyro though…..
  21. Gaz!


    Yep, Halfords do it in a toothpaste type tube, all mine are caked up in it, does good at keeping out water too.
  22. Hi, taken from a new and unused Losi Pro moto. all body panels included and in as new condition, however i have removed a few as in my opinion it looked far too busy, i was going for a more scale appearance. the rider figures clothes again, as new and removed for the pics, zip is in perfect shape too. Looking for £SOLD!! all in with recorded/insured postage and inc. PayPal fees. willing to trade for any pro moto bits too. thanks for looking, Gaz.
  23. Can you pop up a price please mate, as per forum rules. cheers
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