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I have a 120amp surpass esc but its a little on the large side also got a 3660 3300kv motor, and wondering if i can use any of these in a speed run car on 4s lipo, but the esc is a bit big to go in a 1/10th chassis, cant help thinking best thing is to sell the bits and start again

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28 minutes ago, Oh How Original said:

Not sure that motor will handle 4s, and due to a recent post regarding these ESCs I wouldn't personally trust that either.

What brand is the motor? If HobbyWing or Castle it should take 4s, if you do a run, let it cool, do a run etc... Or maybe invest in a blower.

People are running the surpass motors at 4s for a quick speed run in their little 144001s but they weigh about 1kg as are only at 100% for a few seconds and are seeing good results. I've tested mine on the desk just to check everything was working and the 9000kv motor  on 4s was getting warm in my hard very quickly, my SC8 was stone cold however that was a quick 5 seconds of me building the power up to around 75%. I know once in the car I'm really going to be pushing it. 

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Just now, Alex97 said:

People are running the surpass motors at 4s for a quick speed run in their little 144001s but they weigh about 1kg as are only at 100% for a few seconds and are seeing good results. I've tested mine on the desk just to check everything was working and the 9000kv motor  on 4s was getting warm in my hard very quickly, my SC8 was stone cold however that was a quick 5 seconds of me building the power up to around 75%. I know once in the car I'm really going to be pushing it. 


9000kv on 4s?! You are insane lol, what's that, about 130000rpm?


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Just now, Oh How Original said:


9000kv on 4s?! You are insane lol, what's that, about 130000rpm?


Something like that and my gearing is 30:25 😂😂😂


I won't last long and I am thinking of lowering it to 6000kv but the motor was £16 so if it gives up I won't cry. My goal is 100 then I will no doubt stop pushing with that chassis, I like your tamiya build a lot and I've always liked the Dt03 (I knows your is a 02l. Larger classes cost too much for me and I don't have the bottle to send over £1000 worth of RC down a runway knowing it might not come back 😂

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2 minutes ago, Alex97 said:

Something like that and my gearing is 30:25 😂😂😂


I won't last long and I am thinking of lowering it to 6000kv but the motor was £16 so if it gives up I won't cry. My goal is 100 then I will no doubt stop pushing with that chassis, I like your tamiya build a lot and I've always liked the Dt03 (I knows your is a 02l. Larger classes cost too much for me and I don't have the bottle to send over £1000 worth of RC down a runway knowing it might not come back 😂


Well I am kinda the same, it's why I set such a humble goal with it, in terms of speed and what I was willing to spend.

Plus, anyone with the money can buy a super fast RC these days, Infraction, Limitless, XO-1 etc... It takes the fun out of it though, I am enjoying the challenge.

I have just ordered the Castle CM36 9000kv motor though, then I will order the 120a version of my ESC, because my current ESC is only supposed to go to 8.5t and I've been running it on 5.5t :lol: 

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11 minutes ago, Oh How Original said:


Well I am kinda the same, it's why I set such a humble goal with it, in terms of speed and what I was willing to spend.

Plus, anyone with the money can buy a super fast RC these days, Infraction, Limitless, XO-1 etc... It takes the fun out of it though, I am enjoying the challenge.

I have just ordered the Castle CM36 9000kv motor though, then I will order the 120a version of my ESC, because my current ESC is only supposed to go to 8.5t and I've been running it on 5.5t :lol: 

100% agree, the top guys who are pushing 150+ they are really pushing it but when you can buy most a model with most of the work already done in my view it's taking a lot of the run out of it. 


My little 144001 is what it is, my biggest issue before even running it was keeping under my budget and getting everything to fit under the shell. It's a common build but isn't as straight forward as sticking a fast motor in it and giving it 100%

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4 minutes ago, Jack Reacher said:

It looks like i wont be able to use this esc and motor, so think i will bung it in the for sale section, may have a few other bits to list try to build up some funds for a faster car

The motors are alright just the ESCs are a bit meh when being pushed. I think the 144001 speed record is held using one, the guys on YouTube, from Birmingham but can't recall his name. I took a screenshot to see how he fitted everything under the shell. 


You can pick a 2nd hand 120a hobbywing up for around £40-50. 


Edited by Alex97
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1 minute ago, Alex97 said:

100% agree, the top guys who are pushing 150+ they are really pushing it but when you can buy most a model with most of the work already done in my view it's taking a lot of the run out of it. 


My little 144001 is what it is, my biggest issue before even running it was keeping under my budget and getting everything to fit under the shell. It's a common build but isn't as straight forward as sticking a fast motor in it and giving it 100%


I can see the appeal to some of buying a couple of 3s or 4s packs and going very fast, but if you want the feeling of accomplishment, you definitely need to do some stuff yourself.

My biggest factor is aerodynamics really, I already have the speed sorted, especially with the new electrics, that won't be an issue, it's keeping the nose down that's my biggest problem.

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3 minutes ago, Oh How Original said:


I can see the appeal to some of buying a couple of 3s or 4s packs and going very fast, but if you want the feeling of accomplishment, you definitely need to do some stuff yourself.

My biggest factor is aerodynamics really, I already have the speed sorted, especially with the new electrics, that won't be an issue, it's keeping the nose down that's my biggest problem.

On mine I've designed and printed...


Rear wing mount 

Several rear wing designs (Different down force) 

New top desk

Playing around with the front wing ATM 


I've also moved all of the electronics around to fit a 4s without having the body above the shock towers and these are the parts I enjoy. 


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Just now, Alex97 said:

On mine I've designed and printed...


Rear wing mount 

Several rear wing designs (Different down force) 

New top desk

Playing around with the front wing ATM 


I've also moved all of the electronics around to fit a 4s without having the body above the shock towers and these are the parts I enjoy. 



I think I am going to add a small buggy wing to the front, to see what happens, but I can't find the little lexan ones I used to see around a lot.

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14 minutes ago, Oh How Original said:


I can see the appeal to some of buying a couple of 3s or 4s packs and going very fast, but if you want the feeling of accomplishment, you definitely need to do some stuff yourself.

My biggest factor is aerodynamics really, I already have the speed sorted, especially with the new electrics, that won't be an issue, it's keeping the nose down that's my biggest problem.

spot on there, it was a right buzz other day doing first speed run with the strada, just need to find a longer run way to open it right up

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29 minutes ago, Oh How Original said:


Yup, the Holiday buggy isn't that wide though, I'm not sure it'd fit and I am guessing if they are Proline they will be about £20.

https://www.dms-racing.com/index.php?keyword=Front wing&limitstart=0&option=com_virtuemart&view=category&25e30d8d655d2190638af68748dafc86=&Itemid=&orderby=product_price

Do price high to low and you'll find it. They really do work well.


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4 minutes ago, Alex97 said:


See those look too big to me still, 6.5" wide I don't think would fit.

Not sure cutting it smaller would really do the job either, but they are much cheaper than expected so I might grab one just to try.

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20 minutes ago, Oh How Original said:


Yeah I am going through, some don't have size though, I think around 4" would be ideal.

Seen the narrow B5M ones, but not sure how big they actually are.

About 3" I reckon, if you drop DMS an email I'm sure they'll help you out. 

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6 minutes ago, Alex97 said:

About 3" I reckon, if you drop DMS an email I'm sure they'll help you out. 


Already talking to them on FB, one I liked the look of is approximately 40-50mm they said, based on the width of the holes for the screws, so I will give that a try, I don't think it needs a huge amount, because otherwise it'll never get up to speed, I sense the rears will spin up too much.

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