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E-Maxx alloy hop-ups


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Don't go for Fastrax.

You want either:

UE - http://www.unlimitedengineering.com

Gorilla - http://www.gorillamaxx.com

Integy - http://www.rchopups.co.uk

UE looks my favourite so far, with the best make of alloy but more expensive. Integy are a good budget one though and very good quality also - UK dealers too (well rchopups.co.uk but not the company).

I would get batteries first though, some good 3300s. :P

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Well everything does, if you got bulkheads - you would have to take all the arms off, shock towers and more. Same with arms, you would need to take most of it apart.

The Gorilla chassis is probably the easiest, because you can take both ends off the stock, then put them back on again.

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This is what I have planned:

SuperMaxx E-Maxx Hardened Steel Idler Kit

UE DriveShaft Kit

Maximizer 7075 Aluminum Diff Cups

Integy Aluminum Diff Case

Integy Gear Box Collar

Maxx 2.5 Cvds by RD Logics

...come out around £150+. I think - not actually sure on total cost.

This is to make it run strong and smooth, no bling for me - prefer performance rather than shiney weight. :P

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