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About wolfie1

  • Birthday 28/09/1977

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    Modifying cars, rc cars, drones and boats, caravanning, e scootering and my cats
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  1. Quite often, when i see a battery at a price point i like with the mah i am after which have the wrong connector i will just solder on a new connector, def worth it for 10-15 mins of your time
  2. I snapped 1 of my battery straps the other week on the asuga and found the spare ones i had were too long, is was something i hadnt even thought about, i cut mine down and sewed them together as opposed to staples
  3. Forgot to take pics, but had the xmaxx, asuga and the slash 4x4 out today, only casualties were the fan on the esc on the asuga stopped working and on the slash managed to snap the wires going to the rear lights, had some spare white 5mm led so soldered them onto the existing loom so thats working again, for the asuga i am going to buy a rocket fan, but have another 30mm fan i can use if i need to till 1 arrives
  4. Adu racing make a nice looking battery tray/straps for the asuga, i would assume it would be the same as the kagama
  5. Heres what to do, the plastic disc the bodyshell sits on, remove it by either cutting it or grinding it away, this will allow the bodyshell to sit lower, to stop the bodyshell sitting all the way down too far drill some holes below where the disc would have been and put some bodypins in and then the body will sit on these, if you dont like this idea, drill a bit further down still (like 2mm more) and then put a washer on top of the bodypin and sit the body on these, then you can use the existing holes at the top to put your bodypins at the top to hold your body on
  6. This isint a kit but may fit what your after as they share the same chassis, obviously things like bodies and mountings, gearing, arms, wheels and shocks will be different but you could turn 1 into the other https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/traxxas-stampede-4x4-brushless-bl-2s-rtr-green-1355772 and https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/traxxas-ford-fiesta-st-rally-bl-2s-rally-car-red-1358967 for example
  7. Lunchbox is 2wd, its based on the same chassis as the midnight pumpkin
  8. Never heard of helicopter tape, it looks like tough stuff. Is it really sticky?
  9. I find it has plenty options to set up your channels, really good range, comfy in the hand, receivers are cheap lightweight and small, rechargeable via micro usb, not laggy in operation and it looks good, yea its an older system but not outdated i think
  10. I run a flysky gt3c with the esc bec set to 7.4v on a couple of models, seems to work well that being said that ddf350 with 10 channels seems a bargain from aliexpress (had to go check what i had in my basket)
  11. Well well that is interesting now! If i break another arm i will get a set of mojave upper front upper arms, thanks for that
  12. You reminded me that i took this video so you could see this servo on an xmaxx too
  13. I reckons whats happened there is rocks/grit has gotten between the shaft and the bash block and worn it down to the point where it has snapped and it got jammed up
  14. Well if your gonna do that make sure you record it, watching rc crashes is quite spectacular!
  15. I got an asuga at Christmas time so still quite new into ownership of it, its fast (i geared mine up 2 teeth on the pinion) and fitted cooling fans on the motor, tyres like to come unglued on it and the front arms split but i did a repair and all has been good since, i did reach out to corally and they sent me 2 new complete wheels and 2 front arms, yesterday i bent an upper front hinge pin but i hammered it straight again. Biggest issue is finding aftermarket wheels as they are an odd size at 130mm diameter, but all in i like it, seems well put together and handles good. Adu racing make a lot of upgrades for it and again they seem like decent quality parts. As far as racing no idea i dont do that
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