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Everything posted by wolfie1
Whats the chances of someone on here printing a battery tray from a maxx for me from thingyverse or similar from elsewhere? Obviously i would pay for this item. This is what i would like https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5983594
I think social media is great for filling in time for example when i am sitting in a car at work carrying out software downloads on it its great for passing time waiting for it to complete but for any type of meaningful discussion that you may want to reference at a later date or anything else they are a complete waste of time
Have you decided on a colour?
I have been fishing a few times, only times i have ever caught anything was up in the west coast, i was the site mechanic on a salmon farm and standing on the outside edge of the salmon cages with a hand line that had 5-6 hooks on it and catching mackerel, funny thing was they were the same colour as the salmon when they were cut open as they were hanging out around eating the salmon pellets that fell out of the pen
Thats is like marty mcflys pickup?
Forgot to take pics but got the front all stripped down and rebuilt again and the rest of it back together, since the motor is bigger i got a bigger heatsink and fans but it wouldnt fit past the chassis bracing so had to mill some off, also had to get creative with the temp sensor to put it back on, just need to try it now once i get the chance
Thats great to hear about the centre diff as i did wonder about it
I dont really like selling any rc’s, dont get me wrong i have but have always regretted it, you hardly get what you paid for them in the first place
I was just linking up the info to the traxxas site on that diff number that wasnt in german
This haul of ADU racing alloy bits, decided to take advantage of the aliexpress black friday week discounts
Since destroying my supposed waterproof hobbywing esc playing in the snow, before i install the new kit i thought i would do a bit of a refresh and some maintenance, i have gotten some done, the rear assembly has had pretty much every bearing replaced, the ones that havent the bearings have been opened up cleaned up and regreased, so,e were really destroyed! fitted some new proline rear hubs as the oem ones had a lot of wear around the bearings and they slopped about i did get a motor gear cover 3d printed but who knows what it was actually for as its way too big, so i modified the original, i would have preferred the gears to have been completely covered but its best i could do with what i had, if someone knows of something better it would be really appreciated So this is where i have gotten too tonight, the rear is all back together again
When he is talking about xl5 trucks, whats he on about? Xl5 is an esc?
Postie turned up with this today to replace the blown esc in the xmaxx, decided to try the 5690 motor as i had always been curious of it compared to the 4990, i am going to try pairing it with a 23t pinion and see how i get on
Now thats exactly what i was wondering, what else in the line up would fit if the diffs are weak, i bet there would be something
Now that really is a bummer!
Today i took the xmaxx out in the snow and have killed the max 6 g2 esc 🥲 its labelled as waterproof!
Try connecting your battery pack straight into the receiver, this eliminates all the rest of the power wiring, servo wires always go into the receiver with the signal cable towards the middle of the receiver, signal is white on most servos, red (live) is always the middle pin
So whats folks thoughts on this thing, on paper it looks like a really good deal especially since traxxas no longer offer the trx6 and the only 1 available is the grand hauler, the thing that concerns me about it is spares availability https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiViMbXl-OJAxXYllAGHVBPII0YABAzGgJkZw&co=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAxea5BhBeEiwAh4t5K-ZiYhIuEXhbAXV7pvfnWMhbi5olecS8Jkb3jqu5AGxcdSCfcFV0BxoCVcEQAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2_KEbTXcoM0l_TfnSammkTZwWA8Yj4hyIc-d5wzvXgLCpSvLhLE5Ev6e61UkVBi2rupdhHE8qPWyylL1VwS1ccVvPqvnjHASr737ApfdwJgjoGO2_&sig=AOD64_36HxBvcdDKuqdjRjoE6b7zji1yHg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwil3sDXl-OJAxW2QEEAHYOMHLwQ5bgDKAB6BAgHEAo&adurl=
Bad thread on the glow plug maybe
I dont actually like the facebook, reddit etc platforms they all just seem too wishy washy, sure i am on a few and look at the pics but dont really post as you always get that 1 slobbering knuckle dragger that posts on everyone’s post saying that 1 particular car is poop and you should have bought x instead, just get lost min if you have nothing constructive to say just dont say anything
You were turning the tool the right way, remember righty tighty left loosy
Christmas present to me from the misses, but am not allowed to open it until then, suits me though
Well not exactly model based but lipo based, got these lovely lipos delivered today and then immediately cut the plugs off and soldered on xt90, these ones were on special but the xt90 ones werent so saved myself around £60, £50 i suppose if you count the new connectors, also changed all the rest of my 3s lipos to xt90 except for the traxxas ones
The other reason they come slack is the pinions aren't held right up against the bearing on the inside when the cup is put on and tightened on the outside so there isint any forward and back movement, only result i have had with mine was doing this before the diff itself is put in