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What Is Your Occupation *2018 Edition*


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  • 1 year later...

Retired close to 4 years ago, before that I was ''in charge of supply and logistics'' for Asia, for everything that the property developer I used to work for would import from Asia, a position I got purely due to local knowledge and cronyism.

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Im still driving wagons, i used to love the job but not anymore, i was driving Artics but i drive smaller stuff these days in fact im waiting on a new 12 ton rigid to arrive, a Daf LF. This new truck will see me out to my retirement in about 7 years

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  • 8 months later...
On 14/02/2018 at 12:36, RegisteredUser said:

This seems like a good first topic for me. I searched the forum for one and found one that was made in 2011. I think a new one is in order!


I've worked for Crossrail for the past 5+ years as a 'Survey Assistant'. I've probably met over 1000 people on the project. But not one of them was into RC. Not surprising but still a little sad. My job doesn't pay too well. However combined with my living situation (living with relatives and sharing bills), I get by rather nicely. If I wasn't a big saver, I could spend £500 per month on the hobby and sometimes I do, haha! Funnily enough, I don't actually have a lot to show for the money I've spent. Turns out that crashing is costly!


What do you do for a living and how does it effect the hobby for you? As a nursing student, the journey is challenging yet rewarding. Balancing intense studies with clinical practice tests resilience and commitment. Reflective journaling, as suggested by  https://www.nursingpaper.com/our-services/nursing-reflective-journal/ is invaluable for personal and professional growth, allowing us to process experiences and evolve into compassionate, competent nurses ready to make a difference in patients’ lives.

driver and univ student

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  • 2 months later...

I still own a security business (Fire & Security, not like bouncers on nightclub doors lol). Only difference is now I predominantly only work in high security places, such as Cat A Prisons, Banks and Mental Asylums..... moneys better but it sometimes gets a bit cagey.....

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I have posted this answer before, but a tiny bit more detail i am a Truck driver, i used to drive 44 ton Artics but have got a job driving first 26 ton rigids now down to a 12 ton rigid, but here is the BUT...i now hate wagon driving, im nearly 60 years old been doing this for 38 years and wish i had never gained my class 1 qualifications, with 7 working years ahead of me i now have to suck it up and get through it, or win the lotto

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bad description 

White van make who throws food at people


better description

Retail Delivery....


Not a glamorous job, but I kept the nation Fed through the Pre pandemic + Pandemic + Post Pandemic


Trained Mechanic but couldn't get a job due to my age 😞



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