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Everything posted by Shergar

  1. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Carson-8Kanal-MC-8-MX-F-4GHz/dp/B0859VN7GK/ref=sr_1_23?crid=3KR2H5Q5V6SNK&keywords=ko+propo&qid=1674083200&sprefix=Ko+prop%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-23
  2. I remember the Tonka video, I’m rather taken by your conversion. I’m doing a similar project (but using TRX4 axles) and have used wide rims reversed to get the desired effect - just a thought? I see your rims don’t have a lot of offset already however, so not a massive gain. Shock hoops? How about these bolted the chassis instead? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/402769162371?hash=item5dc6e9b083:g:-HUAAOSwAktgYaxP&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoGb74lHXIbsfWeEu3nsPaDDKSXI2B6CeR0yobSA8K592fzKPq2FkkDhqhfSC%2Bfkd4TQn7fAiiIU%2F0f%2FsVFGzMSBPWj6wT0GWFlwtTxoVxZSL5Qx0c%2BtnO8ZsjENN16k5nCzFabFJeM640PTjn2UGh4%2F1Mi5bO0KejZBRyQyVkLep%2BYA06QRHclGGnzAIJesSZNWtx7RsuRs1qH7aWxZg9yk%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR-6D36O4YQ
  3. Floatation tyres today 😁 Zero crawling grip, but quite handy if its been raining non-stop! Local woods has a couple of streams that converge, one is usually dry though, however it was rather X-stream today 🤠 Ford 1: complete! Ford 2: Complete though the bank upwards took a lot throttle… Ford 3: Game over 🤣 Still the bonus of the woods is plenty of big sticks, ideal for poking and after 5 minutes shunting and poking (and cursing I didn’t choose wellies today!) we were free 🤠
  4. I’d echo the above about the Canyon Trails 👍
  5. Wheels courtesy of @Lone-wolf (which arrived the exact day after I went on holiday!) I’m quite surprised at the height of these Chiraxes.
  6. I’m using one of these Power HD on HV, no problems so far. Famous last words!
  7. Correct colour for the last of the Intergrales though 👍
  8. Sheepishly nods in agreement 😉
  9. Love the rooster tails of spray, not keen on the crap nightclub above a pub 1997 soundtrack 🤣
  10. The motors seem to be equal speeds, but I’ve found Trailmasters have more effective drag brake, Crawlmasters more low speed pull and torque. Either is excellent 👍 This chart explains it better: https://holmeshobbies.com/motor-recommendations I will add the 45 tooth spur and 9 tooth pinion is a great combo if your after bottom end control (and your not assembled that way from stock). https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/traxxas-trx-4-spur-gear-45-tooth-421071 https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/traxxas-gear-9t-pinion-32dp-380529
  11. That looks ace a real nice build 👍 Tamiya created some great chassis, but seemingly sticks with the TT02 for everything sadly. Quick query - might there be enough switch lead to wrap the 1080 on off button round the axle if it gets knocked off though?
  12. This might be a useful document too, check the Traxxas website for mounting options of various shells. https://traxxas.com/sites/default/files/KC2560-R01 TRX-4 Assembly Manual-WEB.pdf
  13. A trailmaster or crawlmaster sport would be a good option, but you will need to solder your old motor leads onto the Holmes motor. I’ve just blown a crawlmaster motor but that was after 6 months of heavy frequent use and submerging 😉 I have a fresh one to replace it as I was more than pleased with it. G500 seem to be sold out, but there are some options if you bought a base TRX4 and fitted a different shell? https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/killerbody-body-horri-bull-110-scale-crawler-silver-ready-to-use-390224 https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/traxxas-body-mercedes-g500-4x4-clear-incl-rear-body-post-grille-444737 https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/traxxas-body-mercedes-g500-4x4-complete-black--444738 I would have a spare steering servo in the spares pile to ready to go, 20kg+ rated. However mechanically than are pretty tough and suffer mistreatment 😇 very well.
  14. There is a list! 1) Finish the workshop off (upvc the new ceiling, final paint on 2 walls, fit my wall cabinets) 2) Paint the 2 Tamiya touring car shells… which I was convinced I had, was going to sticker them this winter… 3) Build my collection of parts into a 6x6 truck 4) Buy something else I don’t need 🤪 No1 was a bigger project than anticipated, not helped by my brain which was convinced I still could graft at the same pace I could pre lung damage, and took lots of smaller bites to finish and ultimately make a weeks work several months. The rest have been backed up in the queue since! No4 isnt allowed to happen till 2024 😇
  15. A little trucking this evening, check out the new pit - thats crumbed rubber in there! Patiently queuing 😁 Getting loaded! Undoing all that hard work 😂
  16. I’ve just stuck to a central battery and a LCG tray, been using my DeWalt batteries on 3S this winter because I’m a bandit 🤣🤠
  17. Transmission apart today, all very tough. One bearing thats the front prop shaft output was graunchy, but thats it. Everything cleaned up nicely, a re-greasing and back together. Vanquish grease again 👍 The 2 part internal shift fork assembly (which is plastic) had wear, but perfectly useable. I reckon a single speed wouldn’t let anything in as it has no shifter shaft and grommet, I rarely use the low gear, so would stick to single speed next time. A quick picture in its popped open state: Just the back axle and shocks to do, and find/buy some solder for the motor.
  18. Had a delivery, deep dish rims reversed (to narrow track width) will *just* clear narrow tyres on a steering TRX4 axle! Quality wise they are standard fare pressed steel and alloy beadlocks.
  19. Harley designs mentioned its the grill and bonnet being objected too.
  20. Keep it high and buy a spare set of dog bones Mr Wolf.
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