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Lone-wolf last won the day on December 24 2024

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About Lone-wolf

  • Birthday 16/07/1964

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    West Yorkshire
  • Interests
    Rc flying wings, C1 chaser x2 680 batwings, Ranger 1600 home built 600 quadcopter (Naza V1) Reptile S800 V2 wing
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  1. yes its a pain but better to have it sorted under warranty, if mesh is good and pinion is fixed fast makes me wonder if the diff`s have stripped as you kinda ruled out slipper clutch
  2. if the model is new take it back to the shop for them to repair or replace
  3. Lipo`s can last a fairly long time but need to be kept at storage volts and will some times need a little top up charge from time to time, i have a lot and i keep an eye on them if they are getting tired i dispose of them
  4. how odd, a lot of people say traxxas are tough and dont go wrong ha ha right the high pitch noise and motor spinning but no drive sounds like the pinion gear on the motor has worked loose you will need to take motor out to check also you will need to make sure the mesh between pinion and spur gear is set right
  5. Well, the Alloy parts and MG servo are a bit of a fail, the shock towers are a poor fit to a point i wont use them, but i fitted the MG servo, its a better servo than stock but i now have issues with the steering jamming on full lock, spent ages trying different combinations of servo saver, and shimming the servo on the mounting points, i briefly reverted back to stock servo but still jammed on full lock, maybe it always did this and i failed to notice. Also i keeo hearing the cast alloy parts are not strong the stock plastic is better as it flexs rather than crack
  6. Banggood would be a god place to source motor and esc, see if you can fit a 3660 size motor about 3300 for 2S or a bit lower kv for 3S, get best highest amp esc you can afford
  7. I see this lot are now posting on Tonleyrc facebook group, BTW i reported the youtube channel but of course nowt has been done despite video showing a woman and a dog getting hit by rc car
  8. good rigs and might try the outlaw rear shocks as i just happen to have a set, here is my err gatekeeper wagon
  9. little haul of upgrade parts for my MJX 14209 ordered from Ali took 8 days to arrive, very happy so MG upgrade servo, plus alloy shock towers and steering gear hopefully will fit it all at weekend.....also found a pair of new 2S 3800mah lipo`s in my workshop that fit this truck perfect
  10. Seeing as i am genuinely impressed by the MJX models, and had been looking at a 1/12th crawler/trail truck i caved in and ordered one of these from Banggood, hopefully will be here by end of month and for the sum of £128.50 to my door. Very loaded with features like full size brushless motor with FOC, portal axles and full metal gear drive line, decent oil filled shocks and 20kg MG servo, there is a lot to like, hinged Ally body and full light kit, this truck is proper heavy for its size weighing around 2kg out of box, that said its rather top heavy but MJX have released a lot of brass parts to get low down weight and a set of heavy beadlocks will also help, i have a feeling my wife will be main user for this rig
  11. Nice video and smart looking tank, are you still flying i have all but quit, looking at selling a lot of fixed wing models....and good to see you posting again
  12. Great when you try to steer a new member in the proper direction and they get the hump and get offensive

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ziggy122


      missed the drama?  damn Link? asking for a friend....


      sadly people don't wanna know what the experts say...  cause they want the answer no free and no effort....



    3. Bajadre


      dont sweat it lone brother we all know your a top mod and go out your way to help anyone on here 👍

    4. Cactus


      It's  a normal occurance  on my channel.

  13. stripped and cleaned the MJX Hyper go 14209 shocks, lovely easy job as this model has full hex hardware refilled with 1000 cst in front and 2000 cst in rear, i was surprised to see each shock was filled to same correct level from factory
  14. This situation will be dealt with today
  15. Just for clarity no person including myself said you could not post your videos in the relevant section, all that was said was how about interacting with the forum in general rather than just using the platform to try and boost your own Youtube channel
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