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Everything posted by Yrkoon

  1. had the wild one out yesterday for its first test run and i love it, had a problem with range which i supsect was due to the slightly dodgy servo i put in it, found a much better servo for it but not tried it yet, also had to dremel a few wee bits to get my big batteries to fit nice πŸ™‚ my wee neice was out to play with me as well on the first test run and was all excited for me to play with her again out side the house so let her try the grasshopper, she knows how to do full speed ahead into things or steering but not both at the same time lmao and no damage to the hopper πŸ™‚ think ill get that wee mini ftx crawler i won from here charged up as the transmitter is tiny and a crawler will let her get used to the controls πŸ™‚
  2. yay the wild one is almost finished, need to do something about getting the front lights on it now πŸ™‚
  3. That looks pretty awesome πŸ™‚
  4. when did hobbywing start putting their esc's in tamiya boxes with a black coloured heat sink in stead of the purpley pink hobbywing heat sink 1060? before i opened the wild one box i took a spare brand new hobbywing 1060 out its box and linked up all the eletronics i was gonna use, so i was super surprised when i opened the wild one box to see a 1060 with a black heat sink, is that standard for tamiya now? 1060 esc's in the box πŸ™‚
  5. making good progress on the wild one πŸ™‚
  6. holy crap just seen that price increase, was 26.99 last time i bought one for my normal dx5, im glad i have a spare or 2 kicking about and wouldnt recommend speccy at they prices 😞
  7. 4000kv will be way too much for it due to the basic gear box and the handling of the lunchie, same gear box as hornet and grasshopper, mine does all kinds of mad stuff on a 25 turn brushed motor on 2s when it hits a few bumps like full on forward flips etc lmao πŸ™‚ might be an idea to grab a spare pinion for it as well, i found them to be very weak around where the grub screw goes in. edit : this is the closest i can find to what dad and i use in our ones and it is a very tight fit with ours, assuming these ones are the same size i would go with that but check size first. https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/gens-ace-lipo-car-hard-case-2s-74v-4000mah-60c-bashing-with-t-type-deans-1345629
  8. since the rc 10 is so expensive i went and bought a tamiya wild one instead :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yrkoon


      i fell out of love with a tamiya ta04s recently so ill take the eletronics out of that and mix and match what other ones i have to get ones best suited to it and shove the ta-04s in the attic along with its limited edition box, and i just noticed the price increase for speccy receivers plus my tt01 could do with the wheels from the ta-04s including front and back lights, the wild one is gonna get lights, similar to my grasshopper, loved running the ta04s but not sure where to get a new belt from for its belt driven 4wd, makes sense to whack it in the attic untill it appreciates while its still in good condition, my love is always off roaders and i have a tt-01 to thrash about if i want a on roader with easy to get parts πŸ™‚

    3. Lone-wolf


      nice choice, look forward to seeing it finished, glad your gonna run it

    4. ad456m


      The Wild One is a great car, one of my all time favourite models. Doesn’t need mental power and has bags of character. I think mine has a torque tuned, nice balance between power and not tearing up the diff(again).Β 

  9. thanks for the hyper 7 dad and iΒ  went havers on it ,60 quid each we were gonna use it as spares for our hyper 7's but im not so sure any more lol

    1. Yrkoon


      it might run again with the engine πŸ˜›

  10. beautiful doggies they look so placid i wanna cuddle them πŸ™‚
  11. stunning πŸ™‚ whos a good snake whos a good snake, always loved snakes as long as not venonmous, my sis had 2 corn snakes πŸ™‚
  12. awesome pets every one keep em coming πŸ™‚
  13. any one got helldivers 2?


    its a quality game on pc and ps5 and costs a lot less than normal games πŸ™‚

    1. Nitroholic


      Don;t have it myself, but I know a few who have. Does look a decent game.


      Just don;t have hte time to start into a new game right now

    2. Yrkoon


      tbh it confused the hell out of me when i first tried it, but its actually pretty simple and easy to pick up and play once you get a grip of the mechanics and controls, im playing it on pc πŸ™‚

  14. https://www.decathlon.co.uk/p/bike-grease-tube-red/_/R-p-341620?mc=8751269 thats the grease i use on 10 scale models, they keep changing the packaging (it used to say teflon grease on it) , 0 problems with that and its only 8 scale ones that you have to worry about diff oil πŸ™‚
  15. i use push bike grease in all my 10 scale models and havent had a problem yet, i only use diff oil in 8 scales ones πŸ™‚
  16. got 3 thunder tigers in the attic, one is a drifter that was barely used and the other 2 are a xxt and a xxb my first brushless ones, just a pity i cant get spares for them any more and the xxt is part hyper now, i had a load of hyper mini st parts and a lot of time on my hand and bodged it into living again before i chucked it in the attic, also have a ishima rave nitro and that is never getting converted to leccy, it reminds me of my glory days of good nitro fun as it has a less screechy engine and more of a grunty sounding one πŸ™‚
  17. gonna suggest a different one that will not dissapoint for 400 think all u would need is some 4s batteries and a charger. https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/hobao-hyper-vs-1-8-rtr-buggy-150a-esc-red-439894 that is a cracking buggy for the money and parts are cheap plus 8 scale and has loads of power πŸ™‚ notice the terrain and how their been driven plus mine snapped a boulder in half πŸ˜› lmao
  18. dad and i had a fair share of hpi cars years ago but after their financial difficuiltys and cheaper cars on the market like hobao hypers etc we kinda stopped buying them as hpi still seem to think they can get away with very high prices in todays market after their comeback 😞 we had brilliant fun with the mt2 trucks and savage and trophy truggy all nitro back in the day, edit : even had a hpi brama b but sold it and the guy some how managed to snap the chassis in half....... πŸ™‚
  19. i more or less hoard them or in the case of 2 kyosho dbx nitro buggies i completely stripped apart for screws etc and made use of their chassis to cow boy reinforcements for some of my more loved ones πŸ™‚
  20. just make sure you have somewhere away from houses to run a nitro, biggest problem with nitro is the sheer noise they make πŸ™‚
  21. looks like snake is on a mission there in that pic, cracking looking snake πŸ™‚
  22. aww lovely wee pup πŸ™‚
  23. replaced the steam deck 256gb drive for a 1tb one earlier and some one has bought a 2tb one that i need to fit as well now lol

    1. Stormbringer


      that would be me thenΒ :rofl:

    2. Yrkoon


      all installed and running dad now has a 2 tb nvme in his deck and his 1tb sd card lol

    3. Stormbringer


      cool and thxΒ :good:

  24. i need a new case as this one has seen 2 mother boards and 3 cpu's and 4 graphics cards, wonder if i should go to am5 as well , i have a 5700x ryzen with a 65 watt tdp πŸ™‚
  25. woot it survived prime 95 on both cpu and memory πŸ™‚ am5 chips will get hot as hell like 95c per core, dads one kepts consistant boost speeds on that and no game will ever make a cpu work like that πŸ™‚ https://www.pcgamesn.com/amd/ryzen-7000-temperatures my am4 chip worries me if it hits 65 i have a am4 5700x with tdp of 65 the same as my old 3600, am4 has served me well but im getting tempted with dads new one πŸ™‚
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