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Aldershot-ish area for a bash

Crazy L

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Hi guys


I'm meeting a mate of mine for a bash, but he's in reading and I'm in Portsmouth, so we wanna meet somewhere in the middle to give it some large with the RCs.  Does anyone know of anywhere in the Aldershot/Camberley/Hook region?  Cheers in advance. 

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I'm guessing that's a big freaking NO then.  Aside from a tarmac track, then, no RC happens around that area?  I guess we won't be meeting there then.

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13 minutes ago, Crazy L said:

I'm guessing that's a big freaking NO then.  Aside from a tarmac track, then, no RC happens around that area?  I guess we won't be meeting there then.

I don’t know anywhere specific but Frimley/Camberley way should be easy to find somewhere because of all the old army training grounds in the woods - I’ll ask my BIL, he used to live that way

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  • 1 month later...

Caesar’s Camp in Farnham is a good spot, you can see London on a clear day and like mentioned it was used for army training & even has WW2 gun emplacements (what’s left of them) so a lot of good terrain plus you can watch planes take off from Farnborough airport when you have a break.

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  • 5 months later...
On 01/08/2021 at 03:27, JRT said:

Caesar’s Camp in Farnham is a good spot, you can see London on a clear day and like mentioned it was used for army training & even has WW2 gun emplacements (what’s left of them) so a lot of good terrain plus you can watch planes take off from Farnborough airport when you have a break.


Do you know of a good place to park for easy access and are you able to highlight the good area on a map

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