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High Speed Steering


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As part of a university project I'm looking at designing a high speed R/C vehicle. The intention is to use solid axles, driven directly by bevel gears.


I came across Nic Case's RC bullet, and am interested to understand how the steering system works on his vehicle (https://www.rccaraction.com/202mph-12-cells-inside-worlds-fastest-rc-car/).  His vehicle also used solid driven axles both front and rear yet is still able to steer on the front axle. My only guess is that there is some compliant material (like a rubber type disc/doughnut) between the wheels and the hubs of which the steering arms are able to displace by very small amounts by pulling/pushing on a bearing fitted around the compliant material. Like his vehicle, mine only requires a very small max steering angle due to the nature of the vehicle.


Can anyone describe how his design works?


Many thanks,




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Looks like some sort of custom machined jobby for sure. Im thinking most likely some sort of CV or maybe as you said a rubber insert which bolts to both faces and allows for just enough flex to turn a tiny bit

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