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Everything posted by Snfu

  1. You can get an aluminium gear box.Dropping the battery tray onto the spur gear cover lowers the centre of gravity a hell of a lot & makes the truck handle a lot better.
  2. Oh. I thought they wanted to go electric
  3. What about bunging a brushless combo in the nitro you've got?
  4. This should do the job. https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/402251425777?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=402251425777&targetid=909953938039&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9045428&poi=&campaignid=10195653098&mkgroupid=105678543527&rlsatarget=aud-381667281083:pla-909953938039&abcId=1145987&merchantid=137673913&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6uT4BRD5ARIsADwJQ1-SyquKWAkSEWUFHN_MQinnEZF9Z2gxeJZHvr5LGG7s0nErFe4utD8aAjqAEALw_wcB. As for lipos, hobbyking UK is the place to go. 😊
  5. Have a look at goolrc. I've got a 2200 kv motor & 120a ESC from them in my ftx outlaw. Works a treat.
  6. Ello 😁. Gool RC do some good motor and ESC combos. I've got one in the ftx outlaw.
  7. These are on the sc28 chassis. A bit of veg oil on the shock innards & a 2s conversation & they're great 😁.
  8. Hello 😊. Measure the battery tray. Then go onto hobbyking UK & get the highest mah 2s lipo that'll fit in the tray. I don't know your truck. But I've had/ got plenty of lipos from hobbyking over the years & never had one duff one.
  9. Me & our little un call the bosses in Xbox games big bad Barry 🤣
  10. Hello 😊. I quit for about 25 years. Then got back into it . Things have moved on a bit 🤣
  11. It's more common than people think. I've got anxiety, depression & borderline personality disorder. I was nearly sectioned at the end of January. Be open with people you can trust. Meds help. Keep on carrying on , do things you enjoy. Get out with your RC , there's some fabulous weather on its way 😊. Take care mate.
  12. Drop the battery tray onto the top of the spur gear cover. That does wonders. If you go brushless, get a steel rear drive shaft ( the one that goes from the gearbox to the rear differential) & locktite EVERY screw & grubscrew. Otherwise that's the only mods that need doing 😊. & Welcome to the weird world of msuk 😁
  13. Measure the battery tray. Then go on hobbyking UK & get the highest may & c rating one that'll fit. They show lipo battery dimensions under the batteries.
  14. Swap the wires that go to the motor round & switch the switch that reverses the throttle trigger. That should sort it out.
  15. Surely the insurance company'll have you covered? It is an arse & takes bloody ages though 🙄
  16. Have a look at king of the hammers. That's what the outlaw's made to do. But smaller obviously 😉
  17. The mlst have dire drive trains & servos. I wouldn't bother.
  18. They are dire. If the ESC etc physically fit in the tamiya it'll be fine. I clipped a kerb with my viper at walking speed & caused 70 quids worth of damage 🙄. It's weird because my ftx outlaw's only broke a body post & the obligatory rear drive shaft in over 2 years. It tops out at about 30 mph & has been driven by our little un.
  19. The brushless system ain't good at low speed. I just give mine a gentle punt with my boot if it sits there cogging.
  20. Put it in a bucket of very salty water in the garden away from the house. Or (like I do) put a nail in a piece of wood & whack it. Also in the garden, away from the house. The fireworks are quite impressive 😁
  21. Doorok from tiny4x4 is a very capable little truck.
  22. Snfu


    I was supposed to have a chat with my gp yesterday. I rang & asked for a phone consultation. I've got plenty of citalopram & quetiapine in the cupboard 😊. No point in me getting ill & putting more burden on the already stretched to breaking point NHS.
  23. Snfu


    There's 8 confirmed cases in my area. But now they're not releasing any more info about more cases 🙄. I'm on imuno suppressants because of the arthritis. My anxiety depression etc keeps me in the house most of the time, so I'm not too worried.
  24. I'd take it back. The etronics ain't the best. Is it brushless or brushed?
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