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Status Updates posted by beyondRC

  1. Recently moved to Chelmsford! Anyone know of any decent bashing places? Good places for dirt/speed runs etc. Cheers 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Suits


      Yeah, Baddow Pump track is ok, but super hard on the cars I find due to the surface.

      Myself and another user here @Ant.p often go to Rayne pump track, we've had some cool sessions there, much better surface and bigger space.


      Yeah man, I'll reach out and let you know next time we're off out 👍.

    3. Ant.p


      Yep, Rayne pump track is great when it’s quiet. You have to pick your times!


      Please count me in @beyondRC! Next time you’re out and fancy some company if I can be there Id be well up for it! 

      possibly meeting up this Sunday with @Suits and some road cars/speed runs if you’re free? Could also do some bashing if locations can be sorted 😁

    4. beyondRC


      @Ant.pMate that sounds great and well up for it! 


      Will try and pop over and see you both on Sunday for a bit I am due in at work for 7pm but sure I can stop by for a while!



  2. Best X-maxx first mods?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kpowell911


      Max 6 ESC and RPM rear hubs

    3. m4inbrain


      ^ what he said. 

    4. Bajadre


      rear rpm hubs defo 👍

  3. Guys check out my youtube channel: youtube.com/beyondrc am doing a 250 sub Giveaway so be sure to subscribe to the channel and comment on the giveaway video for a chance to win! Will be streaming the winner live!

    1. mydoddy69


      Be careful YouTube has banned giveaways now so I was lead to believe so you could get your channel removed 

    2. beyondRC


      a few channels i follow have just done giveaways mate so i dont think they are banned you just have to be careful there are certain rules to follow to stay in the guidelines. Its a way to engage with the community and give something back so i will double check and go from there. Cheers for the info and if you have a link to that post i will check it out. Cheers fella

    3. Yrkoon


      just watched some triton vids  :)

  4. Been out the hobby for years any recommendations on an RC to get me back in? Looking at some garden/backyard bashing with my son nothing major!  Still  have lipo chargers and basics! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. beyondRC


      thanks all went for an arrma granite 4x4 in the end!

    3. .AJ.


      Nice one, is it the brushless version?

    4. beyondRC


      No brushed as heard the 550 isn't a bad motor on 2s but will probably convert to brushless quite early on if this isn't true!!! Cheers for the help lads!

  5. loving my new mk 5 golf :)

    1. Brushless Monster

      Brushless Monster

      Brilliant little cars ;)

  6. need a new soldering iron any ideas? about 30-40 to spend

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stebro


      i got a 30w from homebase. Didn't think it would be much but it a great iron for

    3. Baja 5b

      Baja 5b

      I use an 80 watt iron, its a weller iron i think. works a treat on anything, tips a bit big though.

    4. beyondRC


      stebro I got their 40w one earlier today for

  7. hostile extra hard best tyres for my baja?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thunderwolf


      yes, tarmac works so well with them... it like the car is on rails...in case you can't tell i'm being sarcastic... ;)

    3. Highlander


      Mini MX are Great.

    4. beyondRC


      cheers guys buying a pair next week :)

  8. waiting for my iphone 4s to come dpd are taking ages :/

  9. upgrading soon might get iphone 4s but white or black ???

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. beyondRC


      There is no app that officially makes android better ;) Most of the good stuff is on both platforms?

    3. RooBoonix


      Android is soo much better, iOS on iPhones is featureless, you need to jailbreak it to make it good, you cant customise anything except.... the wallpaper :/ get a Galaxy S 2 if you can, amazing phones, iPhones need to be killed :D

    4. ravenguard


      Get an arc s. Much better :-)

  10. killswitch finally installed and what a pain it was lol

  11. Killswitch and pipe ordered for baja ;)

    1. norcoforever


      what pipe mate?

    2. beyondRC


      one of them dominator clones from rcmodelz ;)

  12. which baja tyres should i get? The stock dirtbusters are already worn out :o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gavin3171


      Hostile mx is a name that apears alot



      what surface are you running on ???

      I have hard hostile mx nightmare on mine and there superb for grass and loose gravel

    4. hebby


      I just demolished a set of proto's today

  13. Does anyone know what the range is on a dx3s with sr3300t? and does the failsafe kick in if it goes out of range?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. -BEZ-


      also you shouldn't really be running a petrol with out a kill switch, its irresponsible and potentially very dangerous

    3. Tingting44


      thats good then seeing as im a brushless runner :D

    4. beyondRC


      im ordering a killswitch on 30th so not running until that comes and is fitted its the killerbee v2s

  14. Just ordered a baja cant wait!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. beyondRC
    3. Tingting44


      very nice! got any hop ups coming with it :D

    4. beyondRC


      lol na hopefully soon ;)

  15. Just upgraded to MSUK supporter again after a year :o

    1. Tingting44


      nice, i have to re new mine in january too, hope i win an rc next year lool

    2. beyondRC
  16. Finally passed driving test with 3 minors :))

    1. KevsGsi
    2. deejayy2k


      there is a peado bear joke in there somewhere

    3. Matt B

      Matt B

      Nice one matey :)

  17. HAHAHA PS3 OWNERS SHAME :P, now will you buy a damn xbox and save all the hassle!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FG ONICS

      FG ONICS

      the risk of getting RROD has SIGNIFACTNLY & DRAMATICALLY REDUCE AS THEY HAVE BEEN REPLACED & THE NEW ONES DONT DO IT ANY WAY, thats all old news RROD.. still at least the rrod daint steal ya details cletus! lol

    3. goldblades7


      XBOX 360 FTW

      wish we had gran turismo though :/

    4. beyondRC


      see the ps3 fanboys got nothing to say now ;)

  18. did anyone else get a hobbyking magazine thingy in the post today? it says issue 1 jan 2011 so im guessing its monthly?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. landmaxdriver


      got one last week :) shame its all in dollars though

    3. Tingting44
    4. beyondRC


      soo many things so tempting :S

  19. hk order still saying paid processing after a week?

    1. HUNTER.P


      chinese new year ;)

    2. Smoothybb


      Yeah, I'm getting nothing from HK suppliers and none of our chinese suppliers have gone back to work yet. That's why I order from Amain in the US. 2 week skiving chinese monkeys!!

    3. beyondRC


      lol i got an email from them sayin they re-open on the 7th but still no change :S

  20. made order with hobbyking 2 days ago still says paid, processing? is this normal?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. R46


      they do say ALLOW 48hrs so check again later in morning

    3. Tingting44


      oh are they!!! dam i thought i had ordered from the states lol DOH!

    4. beyondRC


      cheers guys will keep an eye on it :)

  21. Just got myself a mini slash thanks to Jayce will hopefully convert it to revo

  22. Waiting for lipos and body shell for e-revo bl :

  23. hobby king doing $1 shipping guys i just got some 2s lipos!

    1. chrisknights


      only from germany remember

  24. Anyone preordering black ops?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CornwallRC


      I have it on pre order :D

    3. willashcroft


      I preordered it 3 weeks ago, :P

    4. beyondRC


      nice i gotta preorder soon :s

  25. I really want a slash roller any yu guys got one for sale?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Netcon
    3. keenan


      manny how much money u guna try and make on that then?

    4. 53HRA


      Break even would be good,cba with it.

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