Cheers, well, the Dravtechs are basically TRA2660, so i'm reasonably familiar (or at least have an idea) - i would need to get some Knipex though. Was just easier to get them prebuilt.
Tyres i do want to give Tusks a go as well (never tried JC rubber), with Squid'nserts - allegedly "the" go to insert for Tusks if you don't want to run foams. I do speak german, so i might peek at the BAMF stuff, but generally, the Squid'nserts are #1 on the list for now.
Now, having never ran a full droop setup.. i suppose it's a bit of a subjective question, but am i wrong in thinking that even as a full droop rig, you want the shocks the other way around? Might not make much of a difference, but to me, in an LCG rig, it makes more sense to have the heavy part of the shock towards the bottom of the rig. At least, that's what i've been told. I have no experience with comp crawlers yet, it's just something that came up in a conversation in another forum, because i was trying to figure out why everyone (not everyone, but loads of people) mounts them upside down.
What ratios are planned/in the gearbox? Or rather, how much overdrive are you going with? The VRD comes with 37% out of the box, (21 gearbox, rest front portals), i might actually underdrive the front portals to tone that down a notch. I don't feel comfortable running that much overdrive in a rig that'll drive on even ground every now and then (between obstacles, to the obstacles etc).