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club racing batteries! just go lipo?


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i bought myself a TT02.  a cheap entry level to club racing, or so i thought. tbh i didnt think about it too much.  the last kit i bought was a DF03 back in 2007 and never got to race it. everything was cheap or at least reasonably priced then 😞


for the TT02, its got either the stock torque tuned motor or a superstock tz. obviously both brushed with the standard included esc, which says it'll run both lipo or nimh. 


so my question is, for club racing which is 5 min heats i believe? in 2024... do i need to use lipo to have a chance to be competitive, does anyone still use nimh? and if i need lipo, what size packs and how many?? my default is KISS and get some nimh  packs


and then theres chargers! 

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Best thing to do. Go to your club and see what everyone else is running. Its all high end Lipo at the local one to me, yet I see others friends go to where NIMH is still competitive.


Also, depends on how many classes your club has. If youre race 1, and then marshalling race 2, and theres a few more races before youre up, you may be able to top your Lipo up and get 1 lipo. If you’re at a small club with a few heats you may not have time to top your battery up and need a few more.


IMO, go lipo. I think it’s pointless buying old tech in 2024

Edited by Kpowell911
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Hi, when i joined  my local club i was only interested in the rock crawling side of it, so only used nimh batteries, Then after watching the racing on the buggy track i bought a short course truck, which i ran on my existing nimh batteries. I was painfully slow compaired to everyone else until somewone gave me a 2s lipo and said try this.  😊 Could not believe the difference so promptly bought some lipos and charger.tend to run my rock crawlers on lipo now, not for the extra power but more for the extended run times

hope this helps 👍

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