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My most challenging (and frustrating) RC kit build ever...


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You might have been following my unboxing of the Orlandoo Hunter OH32X02 Trophy Truck 1:32 scale RC kit.  I knew from the start that this would be a challenging build but it turned out to be more of an ordeal.  In the past, I have built numerous RC kits of all types, shapes and sizes, so have got used to the odd frustration.  However, this kit presented not just the occasional challenge but almost every build step throws up some task where either access seems impossible, the parts are super difficult to fit or there is a quality issue to overcome.  I lost count the number of times I dropped a screw or a microscopic component.  Just when you think that you must have completed the most difficult build step, another comes along to frustrate and drive you close to madness.


I usually offer hints and tips for the build as I go along and indeed, I do include lots of them in this video.  But at the same time, there are many cases where I just can't offer any tips to make it easier because there is NO way to make it easier.  On several build steps, I just had to put the parts down and come back another day because no matter what I tried I couldn't get the parts to fit.  But perseverance eventually won the day!


As expected on a kit so small, the tolerances on the components are super critical.  There were various quality issues to overcome including holes out of position, holes too large (not good with self-tapping screws), or holes not there at all.  Threaded parts also regularly caused problems, either because they were hard to fit or not properly secure when assembled.  With most of the fixings being tiny self-tapping screws, there is no room for error whatsoever.


You will see from the video below that the end result is undeniably impressive.  The kit has some very nice engineering and the level of detail included is mind blowing.  Scale realism is excellent as long as you find a neat way to hide the electronics.  Just imagine a Traxxas UDR shrunken down to 1:32 scale and you get the idea.


As if all that wasn't enough of a headache, I also decided that I wanted to customise my model to replicate a real-life trophy truck.  Having a truck identical to someone else's was not my plan.  Please check out the video below and tell me if the result was worth the time, effort and expense!



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1 minute ago, Stormbringer said:

at least you got it built but it does look damm good :good:

I doubted finishing it several times during the kit build but I persevered, mainly because I couldn't let it get the better of me (and because it was quite a lot of money!).




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3 hours ago, wombat said:

Would love to build a 1/24 kit, but sometimes have trouble with 1/10 size, arthritis in finger does not help matters, lol 

There's actually not so much choice if you want to build a smaller scale kit.  There are a few such as the WPL kits at 1:16 and the FTX Outback Mini XP at 1:18 but the Orlandoo Hunter kits at 1:32 and 1:35 are quite a bit smaller.  Additionally, because their aim is high levels of scale realism, the parts are not typically oversized so screws and detail parts are VERY small.  I struggled with some elements of the build.  There is a brand new Orlandoo Hunter Scania 6x4 tractor truck that looks amazing but an on-road model at this scale has rather limited applications unless you have a desktop haulage yard.

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