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Everything posted by BigGinge

  1. Well, I think the XV01 is probably done for now too. Might need to trim the body posts at some point, and possibly swap the tires for some rally blocks, but otherwise it’s ready to head out.
  2. I think they have a 20 model memory but I’m only up to five cars on mine (so far).
  3. Did you get rid of the 1/16 erevo and sumit?
  4. It’s the same as the one I’ve had for a while now. Was tempted to splash out on something more expensive on the off chance it would feel nicer to use but the convenience of having both transmitters use the same Rx units (that are already in all of the cars) won out in the end.
  5. An extra Tx so that we can run two cars at once.
  6. I’ve not used them (still on my kit ones) but these may be a cheaper alternative to the TR-4 ones; https://a.aliexpress.com/_mszsuBC
  7. I’m still not sure I actually like the colour but I think it is looking better with some stickers on it. Still need to fit one last sticker (which is probably going to need to be cut into 15 tiny stickers) to the shell and work out what I’m doing with painting the grill. Do I go full black (apart from the lights) or leave the usual rim of silver trim showing?
  8. I’m really not sure I like the colour now that I’ve painted the shell. Hoping I’ll change my mind once it’s all finished off but might be an excuse to pick up another one at some point in the future.
  9. More stickers. These ones aren’t even pre-cut 😭.
  10. That’s turned out quite yellow then. May have also painted my hand a bit. oops
  11. The weather doesn’t look to bad tomorrow so I figured I should get the window masks on the Lancia in case I get a chance to paint it.
  12. It’s pretty good. Not super fast but handles well on the flatter grippier sections. Suspect it would benefit from some thicker diff oil to get a bit more traction under acceleration on slippier surfaces. A bit more ground clearance wouldn’t hurt either for the trails round the forest we were on today. Have also realised just how many little nooks and crannies there are on the interesting looking chassis. It may never be clean again now.
  13. It’s been out and it’s had its first mud. Hopefully enough to satisfy @tomr Going to let it dry off and try and get the rest off once the kids are in bed.
  14. It’s similar (2007 Impreza) but this one is a Tamiya. Would be interested to see the two side by side to see how different they are.
  15. What with the really terrible, wet, weather yesterday I got a bit of time to put some glass fibre reinforced tape onto the rim of the shell to try and give it a bit of protection ahead of going outside. Batteries are now charged and I’m trying to convince the kids they want to go for a walk somewhere I can give this a run.
  16. Some spares for the TB-05 in case I make a mess of it when I try some of my planned mods.
  17. As a quick update I’ve decided to just get another GT5 for now. It’s only cost me £57 and means I don’t have to bother swapping out any Rx units for now. If I ever get the chance to try a Noble I might change my mind but not sure how I’ll be able to do that.
  18. Can’t see why it wouldn’t. It’s the same chassis as the mk 2 escort rally car, isn’t it?
  19. That might have to wait until next year now.
  20. That one probably does deserve an extra cable tie to keep it out of the way. It seems to have escaped notice when I was tidying the rest up.
  21. The TB-05 is finally done. Sort of. I could take this out for its maiden run now but I think I’ll probably try and spend a little time reinforcing the shell with some fibreglass duct tape before taking it out. Further down the line I’m probably going to wire up some LEDs to go into the light buckets and will try and design and print some parts to go on the chassis to keep the worst of the filth off the electronics. After I’ve run it like this for a bit I’m probably going to have a go at modifying the suspension (and chassis) to see if I can increase the suspension travel and ground clearance a bit to improve its off road performance. Quite happy with it for now though. Using @Cuiken maths (so taking into account money I got from selling the Tx/Rx, Servo and ESC/Motor combo that came with the second hand kit I bought) I figure this one comes in at just under £190 as it currently stands.
  22. Tamiya Subaru Impreza WRC 07 on a TB-05 pro chassis.
  23. One Tamiya TB-05 Pro rebuilt with new electronics and a 2007 Impreza WRC shell. Done (ish).
  24. I’m hoping to finish off the two rally car builds (if I can’t get at least one done by tomorrow) and try and get out and use the cars a bit more. I expect the best way to do this will be to get the lad to come along with me which may (depending on how the wife takes the idea) lead to me building up another trail truck/crawler. That way we could have a truck and rally car each that should be fairly closely matched to keep things “fair” out driving.
  25. Very much enjoying 6music replaying this set from lest year.
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