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froggy8 last won the day on February 14 2022

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    Launceston, Cornwall
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    rc cars and computers
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    canon sx50, hpi vorza, hpi savage flux hp,
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  1. ok guys i know its bit late now but wondered which pension provider you all use? my company is using peoples pension. i am trying to get one with good return. 

    1. Alex97


      If it's a work place pension then I think your employer picks the provider however you should be able to pick the funds that they invest into. I'd suggest a work place due to the tax benefits and the fact your employer has to make a legal contribution. You can also merge multiple work places pensions if you change job as well. My favourite I've been with is Aviva mainly because they have a nice app 🤣

    2. froggy8


      awesome! cheers mate, just trying t sort my pension out before its too late. 


      i have always been slow on sorting things out, so far i only have 1500 in my oension and compare to other people i have asked at work, they all have at least 40k, when asked how they got hat much, they simply said they have been putting their spare cash into it manually.

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