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Everything posted by bertberr

  1. For loose dirt / gravel so need to be fairly aggressive tread, something like 3.8 Badlands or Backflip 4S. Must have decent hexes (if not replaceable)and a reasonable amount of tread left. Full set please. Let me know what you have? Thanks
  2. Just dug out an old Bosch 'green' router that used to be my dad's, must be at least 35 yrs old if its a day. Powered up just fine, quick look at the data plate, and it says 'made in Switzerland'... don't see that much anymore ☹️

    1. Stormbringer


      No its all China or Taiwan these days 😞

    2. .AJ.


      I’ve got a old Black and Decker Proline rip saw that’s around 40 years old, it’s a beast compared to the modern rubbish 

  3. Not wishing to be a pedant, but bashingbrian mentioned once that he thought the price was too much. That is hardly whinging, or at least not based on my understanding of the word. It was his opinion, which he stated once, just as your opinion is that its isn't too expensive (for what it is in the UK market), which I tend to agree with on this occasion. Let's not get into a habit of accusing people of whinging / moaning when in fact they are just stating an opinion, which is something we should all be encouraged to do and is surely the whole point of a hobby forum such as this?
  4. I charge all my small drone / Heli 1s packs in series, as a 3s pack. Have about 4 or 5 pigtails for different connectors, all with a little jst plug tuther end and a balance plug of course - all bought from babyhood for about two quid each. As above, I was told that series charging is preferred to parallel as the starting voltage of each cell relative to the others being charged is less critical (for balance purposeses). Unless you really love soldering tiny wires I think for 2s and above I'd just source a series balance board.
  5. A nice used brushed FTX Tracer - a bargain for some lucky soul no doubt... Why buy new for £59 when you can buy a used one with a broken rear wing for double the price? https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/608772420664963/
  6. Issue I have is I still fly with my DX6i, and it only has a two position flight mode switch, whereas all the recent Blade CP heli's have three flight modes (as does the 200 SRX but I have the RTF version of that). Guess I could just have it programmed for Stability 1 & 2 and forget about the agility setting.
  7. TBH, I wouldn't be flying 3D anyway, stick skills don't really allow it 😁 Just want something with enough oomph and authority so I can zip round the garden, the park when quiet, and be able to take the odd lawn dart, hence why the direct drive appeals. Out of interest, whats the 230S and 150S like for a CP beginner / plodder?
  8. Various fixed pitch MSRX, 120 SR, 200 SRX, and one little CP - the XK K110.
  9. Yeah they certainly get some good reviews, but mainly from more experienced heli folk. And mainly from the US too, was hoping someone here had some real world experiences to share.
  10. Anybody on here got one of these? If so, what do you think?
  11. Spotted some bargain solder in Lidl the other day, flux cored to boot!  £4.99 for 100m. Result!  Got home, mentioned it to Mrs Bertberr, passed her the box, she said "wow that's heavy for solder - looks like you can weld with it too..."


    Turns out its welding wire not solder. Grrrrr 🥴

    1. Bajadre


      just have to wait for lidl to have a welder sale now brudda and your sorted haha 😁

  12. Greetings 👍 Whereabouts in France?
  13. Think Jack has a good point there, really depends on how many rigs you anticipate having in running condition at any one time. Most of mine are paired to my FS GT3C (10 model memory), and whilst it's certainly not the best Tx out there, the multi Rx option wins out for me. The dozen or so FS Rx's I've bought over the years have cost me less than £50, and even the Dumbo would only be £100, wouldn't want to run all ten cars on Futaba... However, if you only ever intend on running one or two trucks, then a nice Futaba / Sanwa / Noble would be a great option.
  14. I have to say that does look very nice. Are the stock tyres suitable for a bit of drifting / 4 wheel drift tomfoolery or are they just too sticky?
  15. Hi guys gals, if any of you have a decent condition one of these that you're thinking of off-loading, please let me know. Standard size version, not the Plus, colour doesn't matter, but condition does. And if it's a 7 then I'd ideally want the 128gb version, but would look at a 32gb if the deal was right. Would also consider a version 2 SE. Ideally unlocked or locked to EE. Thanks
  16. Lovely looking buggy that, you've done a great job with the shell, looks very early 90s with all that neon yellow! Very tempted by one, just know at the back of my mind that I should be freeing up some space not adding to it...
  17. It does, but as far as I can see it doesn't specify what it discharges to, whereas on the discharge only function it lets you specify the voltage cut-off. I'll try 1.0v as above, see what happens!
  18. Thought I'd bump this, to see if anybody knows of anything that may still be available? My 200QX finally bit the dust (board), and my XK X251 is starting to get a bit tired now too, with very few parts still available. Is LOS dead now?
  19. I want to try to freshen up some of my older 7.2v NiMH stick packs, and wondered what would be a safe voltage to set as the pre-set voltage cut off (for discharging)? I know you don't want to go much below 3.3v on Lipo, but what about NiMH - any ideas? Thanks 👍
  20. Yeah the pin issue is no biggie, likewise the motor, could easily have been due to the pin / binding, but can't say I'm happy about a design that lets the shock springs rub against a drive shaft... Certainly won't be rushing to swap the Maxx for one of these.
  21. I'm interested in them, but would be good to know a price, and perhaps dimensions - width/overall diameter/offset? And whether they are defo Raid wheels with replaceable hexes? Think they might be F11's, but I'm no expert.
  22. Never really thought about it, on the odd occasion I do get out for a bash these days, I try to pick spots with very few people around, and if someone does appear on my periphery then I just slow down / stop until they've passed.
  23. Thanks for the recs guys, I'll check them out 👍
  24. I don't pretend to be an RC chassis expert, in fact quite the opposite... but I thought that adding thicker oil to the diff is only going to make your problem worse. My understanding is the less grip / traction you have the less weight you want diff oil wise, and vica versa when running on high grip like carpet, you can go heavier on the diff oil. may have got that the wrong way round, but then I'm a basher not a racer. I am, however, having similar issues with my 2WD Blitz SCT right now, and started a thread just recently on it in General RC. Take a look, a few good suggestions from peeps on there. Have you tried softening up the rear end, and increasing rear toe?
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