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14:39:47 adolf hamster: see, it is possible to spam

14:39:53 kieranbolton: spammer ^^^

14:40:14 adolf hamster: i was merely demonstrating the possibility of spamming in here cos you asked for it

14:40:18 kieranbolton:

14:40:27 adolf hamster: fail

14:40:37 kieranbolton: see you have friends, i have homies

14:40:50 adolf hamster: and i have an army

14:41:13 kieranbolton: i havee...... the world

14:41:45 kieranbolton: My best friend is plannet pluto

14:41:47 Rover Man: Well well well. You turn your back for two mins and look what happens

14:42:03 kieranbolton: i say you should kick adolf imo

14:42:09 adolf hamster: llo

14:42:11 kieranbolton: be only has an army

14:42:19 kieranbolton: ive got a plannet

14:42:35 kieranbolton: how stupid are people when they buy a acre off the moon

14:42:40 adolf hamster: ive got an army of hamsters in tamiya 1/16 king tiger tanks

14:42:41 Rover Man: but ive got some special buttons

14:42:42 kieranbolton: like wtf?

14:42:46 kwik-kid: wth?

14:42:55 kwik-kid: wth?

14:43:02 kieranbolton: anyone seen that' buy a acer off the moon for £10

14:43:03 adolf hamster: wtf?

14:43:13 kieranbolton: if im buying a acer im moving there

14:43:14 adolf hamster: i heard of it

14:43:18 kwik-kid: you broke my chat

14:43:21 kieranbolton: and fencing it off

14:43:26 adolf hamster:

14:43:36 kieranbolton: hamster pwned your computer

14:43:41 adolf hamster: to be fair the moon belongs to no nation

14:43:59 kieranbolton: either that or chris your computer is emo and dosent like to smile

14:44:11 adolf hamster: indeed here is a tricky one, what would be the nationality of someone born on the international space station

14:44:18 kwik-kid: yeah my pc is emo

14:44:29 kieranbolton:

14:44:36 adolf hamster: my god this is the weirdest chat ive seen, its going in the thread

14:44:52 kieranbolton: dunno how do you give birth wont its head explode?

14:45:08 kieranbolton: thats why they wear space suits right?

14:45:09 adolf hamster:

14:45:22 adolf hamster: i meant inside the international space station

14:45:24 adolf hamster: in the air

14:45:38 kieranbolton: it would be a moonie

you wanna make sense of that?

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20:13:58 jameschatz: I like that smiley

20:14:06 adolf hamster: its retarded

20:14:12 adolf hamster: why do you like it?

20:14:16 kwik-kid: yeah

20:14:16 Rover Man: yes he was

20:14:49 jameschatz: because its a ninja

20:16:31 adolf hamster: wait a second, what are we talking about, supporters or ninjas

20:17:14 jameschatz: ninja smileys

20:17:20 jameschatz:

20:17:42 adolf hamster: oh, is that the one you like and not

20:17:55 adolf hamster: cos is retarded, is the shiz

20:17:57 jameschatz: yeah, the winking ones not all that

20:18:17 adolf hamster: hmmm

20:18:24 adolf hamster: james, mind testing summat for me

20:18:24 Rover Man: i like it

20:18:46 adolf hamster: it looks like the guy has had a stroke and can't control half his face

20:19:02 jameschatz: sure, as long as its not one of your famous links

20:19:28 adolf hamster: no it isn't make god code and put a smiley in it to see if it registers

20:19:44 Rover Man: shouldnt that be "infamous"

20:19:52 adolf hamster:

20:20:10 jameschatz: sweet

20:20:27 adolf hamster:

uh oh 20:20:34 adolf hamster: god is a ninja!

20:21:15 adolf hamster: right, to the thread, enough is enough ninjas

20:21:20 kwik-kid: i want god code

20:21:42 adolf hamster: i can make god code

  • like this

20:22:00 kwik-kid: but we know you do it....

20:22:05 jameschatz: the real one is the best

20:22:09 adolf hamster: well now yes

20:22:17 adolf hamster: because of nick

20:22:22 kwik-kid:

20:22:30 kieranbolton: back guys

20:22:31 adolf hamster: those dam lines

20:22:31 jameschatz: its the only reason he put the lines in

20:22:37 adolf hamster: yes

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21:29:13 kieranbolton: i got sent 50 rst stickers today, so i phoned them up to thank them

21:30:06 adolf hamster: i just got my passport back today so i phoned them up, put on a foreign accent and said thank you

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Rover Man: been out with your glider yet ??

21:19:15 TiM!: laugh.gif you are having a laugh. its still in millions of bits.

21:19:30 TiM!: none of which i understand unsure.gif

21:19:36 Rover Man: get it built then

21:19:42 TiM!: i cant :(

21:19:47 Rover Man: the dowles go into the holes

21:19:54 TiM!: ohhhhh

21:19:57 kieranbolton: Food just cameeeee

21:20:00 TiM!: now i get it

21:20:07 TiM!: thanks dave

21:20:15 Paul Rymer: :lol:

21:20:16 Rover Man: im here to help

21:20:35 Rover Man: its very easy to sort out mate

21:20:41 Rover Man: step one

21:20:48 TiM!: :lol:

21:20:50 Rover Man: open bin

21:20:57 TiM!: hahah :lol:

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here's the rest of that last one wink.gif

19:45:57 jameschatz: at least it wasnt bookmarked

19:46:05 adolf hamster: laugh.gif

19:46:35 TiM!: or was it?

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17:04:34 jameschatz: I hate the way theyre all like "yeah, I've got a good feeling about this one"

17:04:43 kieranbolton: its a box,

17:04:49 jameschatz: its amazing how they manage to drag the show out for the time they do

17:04:54 kieranbolton: yuh

17:05:27 kieranbolton: i like it how they are chewing over like

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  • 2 weeks later...

18:40:51 adolf hamster: are you doing it like a commentary keiran, 'yes ive bid on it, my bids staying my bids staying, oh no someone else has bid, i'm bidding again, my bids in, my bids holding, holding,,,,, now theres only 40 seconds left, going to have to be quick to beat the snipers,,,,,,, no snipers, no snipers, its closed its closed! and........ ive won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

18:41:10 kieranbolton: its at £2.50 now

18:41:22 adolf hamster: i rest my case.........

18:41:34 kieranbolton: telephoning mother#

18:41:59 adolf hamster: i can only rest my case once but i'm resting it again

18:42:12 TiM!: 1 min!

18:42:17 adolf hamster: rofl.gif" /> 18:42:42

TiM!: 30s

18:42:53 adolf hamster: 20 s..............

18:43:04 TiM!: 10

18:43:06 adolf hamster: 10 s..................

18:43:11 adolf hamster: too slow

18:43:18 TiM!: gone

18:43:23 adolf hamster: to?

18:43:28 TiM!: duno

18:43:31 adolf hamster: laugh.gif

18:43:37 kieranbolton: MEEE

18:43:40 adolf hamster: this is going in the thread....

18:43:47 kieranbolton: ive won me dog

prediction or what? :ph34r:

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20:10:02 adolf hamster: hello

20:10:42 hide: hey

20:10:48 adolf hamster: hide!

20:10:53 rcsammy: goodbye

20:10:57 hide: bye sam

20:10:59 adolf hamster:

20:11:03 adolf hamster: bye

20:11:12 adolf hamster: hello

20:11:19 hide:

20:11:20 rcsammy: hi

20:11:31 adolf hamster: and who are you?

20:11:37 rcsammy: samantha

20:11:39 adolf hamster: i haven't seen you in here before

20:11:47 adolf hamster: hello samantha

20:12:03 rcsammy: im a sexme lady

20:12:21 hide:

20:12:26 adolf hamster: i'll take your word on that

20:12:35 hide: x factor sucks

20:12:42 hide: brb gotta check on pizza

20:12:56 rcsammy: its burnt

20:13:08 adolf hamster: x factor sucks?

20:13:17 adolf hamster: when did you move t the planet earth?

20:13:36 hide: nah not cooked yet

20:13:46 rcsammy: sorry about that guys, some random girl was on the pc

20:13:49 hide: yeah they are all crap

20:13:58 adolf hamster: oh hey sam

20:14:03 adolf hamster: i thought you'd left.......

20:14:03 hide: who?

20:14:14 adolf hamster: you

20:14:18 hide: wtf

20:14:19 hide:

20:14:29 rcsammy: yes i went to get a tissue to blow my snotty nose and now im back

20:14:41 hide:

20:14:43 hide: samantha

20:14:57 adolf hamster thinks thats going in the thread

20:15:07 hide: i dont get wtf happened

20:15:11 hide confused

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21:13:27 kieranbolton: if u put a nitro engine in the slash, how long before the chassis melts

21:13:40 adolf hamster: i won't put a nitro engine in a slash

21:13:55 TiM!: wait a sec.... getting you a link kieran

21:14:22 kieranbolton: 21:14:26 adolf hamster: i'll put a long tube on the exhaust, stick it out the window and see if i can fit a dremel attatchment on the end

21:15:29 kieranbolton: what would happen if you pointed the exhaust out the front window ? would it stall

21:15:44 adolf hamster: no i meant the window of my house

21:15:53 adolf hamster: ie i'll have a nitro dremel

21:16:02 kieranbolton: 21:16:21 kieranbolton: hm.... wonder what you could power with a nitro engine

21:16:24 TiM!: http://monster.traxx...2&postcount=306

21:16:29 TiM!: poor thing

21:16:54 kieranbolton: how long till it melted though

21:17:00 adolf hamster: my god he is a nut case!

21:17:11 adolf hamster: i mean wtf?

21:17:11 TiM!: agreed

21:17:15 adolf hamster: seriously

21:17:22 adolf hamster: why doesn't he just buy a slayer

21:17:36 TiM!: i dont think it was out when he made it

21:17:38 kieranbolton: hm what could you power with a nitro engine

21:17:46 adolf hamster: a hair dryer

21:17:55 adolf hamster: self heating

21:17:55 kieranbolton:

21:18:03 kieranbolton: One off my brothers tractors

21:18:06 adolf hamster: a drill

21:18:15 adolf hamster: i assume you mean model tractors

21:18:21 kieranbolton: yeh

21:18:24 adolf hamster: a dentist drill

21:18:30 kieranbolton: ouch LO#

21:18:36 adolf hamster: he comes near me with that thing i'll stab him

21:18:54 TiM!: you could power a bin, that was full of other nitro engines. drive it into a big skip

21:18:55 kieranbolton: Forceps..... glow plugg.... nitrofuel..... filling

21:19:03 adolf hamster: tim

21:19:11 adolf hamster: keiran

21:19:16 adolf hamster: this is goingi n the thread

21:19:24 adolf hamster: i don't like spamming it but this is gold

21:20:11 kieranbolton: anyone notice, nitrofuel is realy cold

21:20:25 kieranbolton: when my engine blows up in my nitro cars im going leleccy

21:20:25 adolf hamster: yeah

21:20:26 TiM!: yeah it is. like a nitro owners soul

21:23:45 kieranbolton: chocolate pizza

21:24:06 kieranbolton: wana start a cool game?

21:24:08 TiM!: what is the best pizza?

21:24:13 kieranbolton: relation

21:24:16 kieranbolton: sheep

21:24:18 adolf hamster: tim

21:24:20 adolf hamster: wtf?

21:24:21 kwik-kid: no, thin italian with less chese, peperoni, and bacon

21:24:34 kieranbolton: no fat pizza rule

21:24:44 adolf hamster: i was about to say youve been framed but relation pizza?

21:24:47 kwik-kid: italians for grown ups

21:24:51 adolf hamster: do in-laws count?

21:25:01 kieranbolton: yuh

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16:51:44 adolf hamster: !mit

16:51:53 TiM!: !sey

16:52:22 adolf hamster: derob m'i

16:52:31 jameschatz: emas

16:52:43 TiM!: 1+

16:52:51 jameschatz:

16:53:22 adolf hamster: sdrawkcab kaeps lla stel

16:54:03 jameschatz: drawrof si ti sa sdrawkcab emas eht si sa ti sniur fo dnik

16:54:21 jameschatz: segaaa koot taht

16:54:53 adolf hamster:

16:55:42 adolf hamster: derob staeb llits ti

16:55:51 TiM!: );

16:56:04 jameschatz: ylerab

16:57:09 adolf hamster: daerht eht ni gniog si siht

16:58:57 adolf hamster: ylkciuq sdrawkcab gnipyt fo yaw a derugif evah i

16:59:28 jameschatz: enasni erew ekil kool su sekam ti tub

17:00:09 adolf hamster: spusserp naht retteb os

17:00:23 jameschatz: ti eteled neht dna ti ypoc ,yllamron ti epyt tsuj I

17:00:49 adolf hamster: yek hcae retfa worra kcab tih uoy

17:00:51 TiM!: siht gnidaer htiw abc i

17:01:04 jameschatz: yhw

17:01:30 TiM!: gnirob

17:01:41 jameschatz: flodA gnitaehc staht

17:02:04 adolf hamster: spusserp sa gnirob sa ton

17:02:27 TiM!:

17:02:40 adolf hamster: niarb ymgnisu sti semaj on

17:02:59 adolf hamster: brv

17:03:43 jameschatz: gnorw ti tleps uoy

17:05:02 adolf hamster: daerht eht rof ovnoc eht fo tsereht ees tnac won i taht desilaer tsuj i oooooooon

17:05:28 adolf hamster: namregekiltib a kool

17:05:55 adolf hamster: vahc ro

haha beat ye tim!

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