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G'day all. Have fallen back into RC after 15 years.

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Well, g'day everyone. I have just won in a little raffle at work, a Maverick quantum+ xt flux. It's the 3s compatible with the 100amp esc. It also came with 4 x 4000mah 3s batteries (3 of them still unopened) and a b6a balance charger. So I guess I'll be sinking in to some RC again after quite a while away from it. I used to have a nitro of tamiya of some sort when I was in my early 20s, so electric cars are a bit new to me. 

Any way, I'm in east London, have a 3yr old boy who is suddenly very interested in RC cars and we have no where to run them at home. I'll probably be posting a bit here and there, so will chat to you all again as time passes. Cheers!

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