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Chingford Car Club


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Back in the days of old I use to race 2wd buggies at the Chingford Car Club. I think that was what it was called. Any way, any one on here have any memories of the club and its people? My memory is useless at the best of times, thinking back that far is like another life time away. 





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  • 4 years later...
  • 3 years later...

I used to race at the club, and my parents were the secretary and treasurer respectively! Committee meetings were often held at our house.


I especially loved the Christmas races with the Pin & Balloon (we couldn't marshall that one for fear of pins in ankles!) and musical garages!  Oh and the caravan races!!!  


We used to race at  Gilwell Park in North Chingford - on land that is owned by The Scouts Association (It's actually Scouts HQ for the country!) - we'd use the "Lid" in winter and in the summer we'd use a near by field.


My dad did a lot of work in computerising the races, and it was one of my jobs to press the appropriate button when someone told me what number car passed by, so we knew how many laps people had done, split times etc.


My Mum used to run a cake and treats stall - selling her famous slab cake (sponge with a pink icing top!) and bread pudding - so I'd help out on that as well....


I've still got my "J final" trophy! somewhere...  never quite made it to a "A" final!

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  • 5 months later...

I used to race here, I remember both the indoor 'Lid' and outdoor tracks, helping roll out the carpets and fire hoses to make a new track each week. There was a chap with white hair that used to be in charge of the timing/organising etc. I started out here with a Black Tamiya Hornet, but then upgraded to a Schumacher Cougar (orange bodyshell). Quite a few people had Schumacher Cougars and Pro Cats, also RC10s.


I also remember a guy called Brian (and his dad), he was a good racer, used to race a top cat/pro cat and a cougar 2, there was also another chap who had a Tamiya Manta Ray, think he also had a monster truck with a Gravedigger bodyshell?


The balloon and pin races and the caravan races mentioned in the message above I remember too.



Edited by Fridayshoes
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