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Found 7 results

  1. So, here's my Baja over the years. It was 15 years old in July 2024. So now, I have to choose a potent small block engine. I'm leaning towards the SCZ 29.5, but possibly would consider the Taylor 35 Reed V2. It's near enough twice the price of the SCZ, but I'm open minded. Which should I choose? The original CY 26cc Fuelie is running well on stock 17/57 gearing: What might I expect with the reed engines?
  2. With my first Kit build 1/10 mk2 escort completed and the gateway well and truly open to RC. I'm wanting to get into 1/14 Trucks as the possibility of imagination is endless. I'm weighing up the cost of the Trucks ATM or Converting the Bruder its a big step but DCC a N Gauge Railway Gives me a bit of Hope
  3. I am relatively new to hobby rc and have ordered the Huina 1/10 8-channel forklift truck from modelsport just for a bit of fun, and because it's decent value. However it is criticised for having no proportional speed or steering. It there any way I can fix this, with a new 8-channel controller or something of the like. Also, are there any other ways to improve the handling or performance that I should know about.
  4. Hello, I've just bought a new FTX Mauler as my 1st crawler. I've read online and watched various videos YouTube, and from what I can see is this is a great crawler straight out the box. Just looking to find out what upgrades are a must for the near future. Ideally to improve the car and increase the reliability. I'm fairly new to RC cars so I don't fully understand all the technical terms and what the purpose is of all the parts. So if I can have as much info as possible and links to upgrade parts would be fantastic. Thank you
  5. Hey, I've been thinking about a brushless motor and esc for my truggy (VRX Sword). So i have measured the heights 'n stuff, and came to two decisions: Yuki Samurai 4350KV (rpm/volt) and a 60A countinous esc, or a Robotronic Razer Ten 4000KV (rpm/volt) also with 60A countinous. Each is 3652, my car has a 11.2:1 gearing ratio, mostly AWD, but maybe sometimes i'll transform it in to RWD, and i'll be using it mostly with a 40c 4.2Ah 2S Lithium Polymer battery. What do you think, wich one do i choose?
  6. Hey guys, I've recently started with rc cars and was wondering how cross compatible parts are? Like if I wanted to fit a new engine do they have to be car specific or do most fit on most models?
  7. Hi, I'm looking to upgrade my steering servo on my Hyper7 Black to a metal geared one and I was wondering whether people run a Hi-speed or a Hi-torque servo for their steering? Does it make much difference getting one over the other? I run my hyper on a dirt BMX track and was expecting to change the stock servo sometime soon anyway but a few rough landings speeded up the need for a replacement as its currently missing a few teeth although it is now running on the other half of the gear... Thanks for the help :
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