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Darren Frosty

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Everything posted by Darren Frosty

  1. I've ordered the core rc speed tips, will let you know how they compare to the arrowmax
  2. as long as you're careful with the trigger my Makita has been perfect
  3. agreed, just seeing if my mate needs anything as I am ordering
  4. do we think the core rc speed tips will be the same quality as the handled ones? https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/1336446?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwir2xBhC_ARIsAMTXk87KQtO0JCBs5t-_EzMaSVYrUet0CTiZwtusX8BOcWImahupHBMHjlAaAoPcEALw_wcB
  5. thanks for chipping in Gaz I currently use these https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/arrowmax-power-tool-tip-cased-set-4-pcs;-1.5-2.0-2.5-3.0mm-367332 and a set costs the same as one Mip, so a bit unsure whether to go for it or not, I'd just replace them as I wear them out I think.
  6. Stripped my 2.5mm hex (the type that fit in an impact driver) I noticed MIP now do them but they're 13 quid each, are they really that good?
  7. I have a 6S Castle MonsterX which is only 6 months old (warranty job) and a brand new Castle 1515 2200KV motor (literally never been out the box, and it's also a warranty replacement.) also have the castle link programmer and a 300mm direct connect sensor cable. What do you reckon they're worth or am I better off ebaying it?
  8. oh yeah. must put glasses on next time
  9. other tenth scales ones fit I think I used to run some made by fastrax.
  10. https://countryparks.warwickshire.gov.uk/homepage/4/burton-dassett-hills
  11. Have you been to Burton Dasset Hills? it's pretty epic there.
  12. Where in Oxon are you? Banbury here.
  13. those diffs are meant to be packed with grease not filled with oil.
  14. what an effing ugly thing jesus christ.
  15. you can see here from my listing https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176175363349 also I do most common parts for that buggy.
  16. that's the plastic chassis one isn't it? if so the gearbox tops have to come off as the diffs sit in recesses in the chassis itself.
  17. 7075 towers and braces, plus 'XTR' the front hinge pin set up and you're good.
  18. The new spark buggy is a nice evolution from the Radix/Python too.
  19. Me and my mate took our cars up there Sunday morning and there was tonnes of people in the lower part with RC's, I just wondered if it was anyone off of here?
  20. There's another new car coming out from Corally soon too.
  21. if you need parts then I sell a fair few that will fit www.tuneithoonit.co.uk (links to my Ebay store)
  22. apart from you'll get hit with a massive customs bill, like I did when returning my castle combo.
  23. my strada was brushless when I bought it, this is the ESC https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/maverick-msc-30bl-wp-brushless-speed-controller-t-plug--408264
  24. maybe this combo? https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/etronix-photon-21w-system-with-110t-3450kv-motor-45a-esc-383998
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