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Lone-wolf last won the day on September 18

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About Lone-wolf

  • Birthday 16/07/1964

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    West Yorkshire
  • Interests
    Rc flying wings, C1 chaser x2 680 batwings, Ranger 1600 home built 600 quadcopter (Naza V1) Reptile S800 V2 wing
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  1. Really want another Ford F-150 trail/crawler but seems only Traxxas doing them now in hi trail 1/18 and 1/10

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    2. Lone-wolf


      @steephill I agree with all you put my only issue with the 1/10 is the toy town black windows, I feel this ruined a very scale body but if I end up with a 1/10 I will get a clear body and sell the unused original also I think like you it would benefit from sitting a tiny bit lower, but if I get the traxxas I will have to sell the cross Unimog and maybe one other crawler

    3. steephill


      @Lone-wolfit is possible to remove the paint from the windows. I've done it to my defender. I fully agree with you, it does spoil the look. It's something I hate. 


    4. Lone-wolf


      I think it may have to be the 4M hi trail F-150, the body detail is spot on and has clear windows, also i would not have to sell the Unimog

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