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Mr Brightside

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About Mr Brightside

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    RC cars Warhammer40k Xbox reading books
  • RC Cars
    T maxx hpi bullet st Team Associated Rival MT10 2xTrx4m
  • How did you find this forum?
    modelssport uk

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  1. I’ve just had a quick five minutes on some new rocks my neighbour gave me
  2. I've just checked my T-maxx I believe she's safe so she's going back on the shelf.
  3. @Naptimei'm guessing you like the film Akira by the names of your cats.
  4. Yeah,forgot about that one I'm hoping for the Top Gear one personally the one they tried to destroy 🀣
  5. It's good to see HPI chucking their hat into 1/18th ringπŸ‘
  6. Yo, just a heads up be careful running them in the cold πŸ‘
  7. From doing a reverse picture search I'm getting a Schumacher fusion, hope it helps πŸ‘
  8. I think at Β£215 for the Typhon with battery and charger is a good deal.πŸ‘
  9. Well that didn't take long 🀣
  10. I highly recommend Thingiverse for bits & bobs
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