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Everything posted by Alex97

  1. Glad you're happy with them. Thanks for the kind words.
  2. You don't need much, it's not ment to be packed. What's in the kit is enough.
  3. Lithium grease is very very light, Tamiya AW is good stuff. Also look at Lucas red and tacky as that's quite thick.
  4. I'm not sure which diffs the R uses but if they are oil filled diffs then you can buy different oil in a variety of thicknesses that allows you to tune the diff as you want. You don't need much AW grease as it's very sticky.
  5. Are they proper m chassis size?
  6. Is that for the laydown mount?
  7. Some tasty releases from tamiya. That 4wd rally Mchassis is definitely on my radar. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Gaz!


      Oh Alex…….


      I typed 2024 Tamiya releases and got a YouTube video, honestly wish id not have searched.

      there is at least 3 that i quite fancy, 1st being that Volvo fh16 :insane:

    3. Alex97
    4. Alex97


      @Kpowell911 I generally feel for UK RC shops that stock tamiya. 


      $260 (£230) including tax in Germany


      £330 including tax in the UK


      Maybe a little bit more here and there but this difference is massive! 

  8. Yes it's my own design. They can be, if you are interested then please drop me a DM 🙂
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. wolfie1


      Holy crap, how many beers would you have to drink on a friday night to convince yourself that would be a good idea to buy!

    3. Gaz!


      If it were the one in the last pic, that may well be a different story.


      unfortunately now though, people will bolt any old crap to a rc, call it custom and ask the earth for it….


      maybe its this guy, 



    4. Alex97


      Go Crazy Wtf GIF


  9. I've been printing some new car stands - In my last printer these took around 6 hours, I'm now able to print two in less than 4 and a half hours! They work for pretty much every scale and having the 4 off shock holes helps massively when refilling shocks.
  10. My new 3d printer - The quality is a massive step up from my old ender2 pro. The app integration is also very handy. If anyone needs any 3d printing feel free to drop me a Pm 👍
  11. That new Battcave car looks nice.
  12. They often have a Facebook page as well, might be worth joining there.
  13. Your best bet would be to pop down to your local , someone will help you with what's best. Quite often someone will be selling something that might be suitable. It's hard to give advise without knowing what they run.
  14. Cale tie it to the battery strap.
  15. Velcro won't ever be enough due to the small size. What cars are you mounting it in?
  16. Some wheel weights for the TRX4M and some cheap 115zz bearings for the M01.
  17. Alex97


    You can use a spirit level app that has degrees on it, just lean it up against the wheels in either orientation to determin their angle.
  18. See what everyone else is running however I'd suggest going lipo from the get go. The price between the two is minimal so makes sense to go lipo straight away otherwise you'll be paying out twice.
  19. At the moment it's been less than 1 week for me, they've really up their game recently.
  20. Value for money you can't go wrong with one of these - https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/power-hd-servo-lw-15mg-digital-waterproof-hv-15kg-1339109 If you can wait a week or so then I'd look to buy direct from china as you'll save a good chunk of money.
  21. If you don't already, utilise your ISA allowance as any return is tax free. There's plenty of free financial advisors out there so I'd 100% take advantage of them. If your workplace has a share scheme then I'd look into that. The two I've had both offered something different in terms of security and discounts ect. Currently I lose £103 a month from my monthly take home but gain £150 worth of company shares as I'm not paying any tax on it (salary sacrifice). After 5 years I can make a withdrawal and not lose anything, if I pulled out early if just get what I put in back. After the 5 years I'll have added £6180 from my own pocket but have £9000 worth of shares however the final value will ultimately depend on how well they've done over the 5 years. Thankfully I can't see the need for the industry I work in drying up anytime soon!
  22. Premium bonds? If so for £150 a month personally I wouldn't bother as based on my returns over 10+ years it's less than 1% a year which is rubbish. Which is why I think their not worth it and would advoid at all cost.
  23. Just an FYI, I've £1500 with of premium bonds for over 10 years and earn less than 10% over that time. Martin Lewis did a piece comparing premium bonds to a low rate account and over a long period of time the savings account produced better return. No risk no reward ect however I'd strongly suggest looking into an index fund like the S&P500 or all world as for these to drop massively would mean we'd all be in a world a 💩
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