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Everything posted by wolfie1

  1. I bought 1 of them things for the maverick quantum flux, did an awesome job at keeping the insides clean but it did a really bad job at letting the heat out and i melted stuff, i am fearful to revisit
  2. Well 3 packs through it now and it certainly looks like its been used! it does keep its insides clean though
  3. Got the motor refitted along with a heatsink and rocket fans. I should have mentioned before but also got some rear driveshaft guards fitted. Also added some extended hubs, really liked the way these things fitted And all back together again, i also changed the receiver to a flysky, since there is no telemetry there was no point using the stock radio system, i thing that was a bit of a disappointment was the esc, it is a rebranded hobbywing but my v2 tuning card doesnt connect to it, i will need to try the v1 and see if that works but dont own 1 of them. so all in i am pleased with the end result and am looking forward to running it tomorrow
  4. I now have 1 of these and of course i couldnt leave it standard, so this is what i started with and this is what i have been up to today, i had been looking forward to this. Started with the front and it all went together very well, these ADU racing parts look good and are sold at being machined 7075 aluminium, i did use the gold screws that came with the parts, im still undecided on them but time will tell then moved onto the rear but realised the centre brace also had to be changed at this point too Then the centre diff unit and motor mount had to be changed before the new brace was installed
  5. Thought i would start a thread so as folks could show off their much loved crimbo pressies
  6. Personally i would shim that, the jerk of it moving will put a side load on the bearing and fubar it quicker
  7. Yes, yes it does but its controllable wheelys, i am interested to see what it will do going up 2 teeth on the pinion, will it be too much……….
  8. So finally got this out today, life has just been too busy this month, i have changed the pinion to a 25 tooth since getting back and hopefully will get out with it again tomorrow too see if the gearing will still be ok, found this ace spot but the grit stuff gets everywhere!
  9. Agree looks good tinted, are you going to add some reinforcements to the front behind the window to give it some strength to the upper deck part?
  10. I have a heated jacket that i wear this time of year to go out with the rc’s but there is 1 thing i think all these heated jacket companies have overlooked, heated gloves that you just plug into wires in the sleeves of the jacket, having this option would have 100% made me buy that particular brand of jacket over any other
  11. I always thought this 1 did everything https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwismZmW_bGKAxX7iVAGHZMbJIUYABAcGgJkZw&co=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAgoq7BhBxEiwAVcW0LFwTvta5To3JYfhtNJZ0bb92fGtt8sgV7ysF3ouJ6Q2_uXrUi5h9sxoClNcQAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD29Y9nKg27xpL2IiBfXQubb6zmXt16TeIdYbtc31l2YI012nrIMYKsrZqvmQkIAUKOp01pKzvfbLmpr-zG0mprObTlclHPcu6rO24sd2XGHxF_m4GG&sig=AOD64_0r_V_LCrH3IAVINdqu98naWlMvdw&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwim-JSW_bGKAxVZUUEAHcfGFAwQ5bgDKAB6BAgHEB8&adurl=
  12. wolfie1

    3d printing

    They look perfect 🙂
  13. I have their hardened shafts in an xmaxx and are doing well, only issue i have had with them is they advertise them with a “replaceable pin” where it goes into the drive cup that is held in with a grub screw, these pins kept moving and sliding out and i even lost 1 but a spare set came in the kit, i got round this by grinding a bit out of each pin where the grub screw tightens against so they cannot slide past the grub screw and then wads of loctite
  14. wolfie1

    3d printing

    Thanks let me know what you think
  15. wolfie1

    3d printing

    I suppose there is universal ones that could be made to fit, never thought of that till now
  16. wolfie1

    3d printing

    Yes there is from the states but its pretty much the same price for postage as the part!
  17. wolfie1

    3d printing

    So how much do you think the stronger stuff you have would be to make the part if you dont think the pla would be strong enough?
  18. I think these are great, especially for the price https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/305850649253?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=pzr1q2c9suy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=MRHag3XmRgm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Never noticed that wasnt new new, here is a brand new 1 and bear in mind you can het it cheaper on aliexpress https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/364686451624?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=rwh8xfutrms&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=MRHag3XmRgm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  19. wolfie1

    3d printing

    I have absolutely no idea, battery trays are usually made from plastic and they hold up to plenty of abuse do they not? I am assuming the stuff you are on about is plastic?
  20. wolfie1

    3d printing

    Whats the chances of someone on here printing a battery tray from a maxx for me from thingyverse or similar from elsewhere? Obviously i would pay for this item. This is what i would like https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5983594
  21. I think social media is great for filling in time for example when i am sitting in a car at work carrying out software downloads on it its great for passing time waiting for it to complete but for any type of meaningful discussion that you may want to reference at a later date or anything else they are a complete waste of time
  22. I have been fishing a few times, only times i have ever caught anything was up in the west coast, i was the site mechanic on a salmon farm and standing on the outside edge of the salmon cages with a hand line that had 5-6 hooks on it and catching mackerel, funny thing was they were the same colour as the salmon when they were cut open as they were hanging out around eating the salmon pellets that fell out of the pen
  23. Thats is like marty mcflys pickup?
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