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JupiterTwo last won the day on July 29 2021

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  • Location
    Maidenhead, UK
  • Interests
    Tamiya, Axial
  • RC Cars
    Axial Ryft, SCX10 III, Yeti - Tamiya TB05 + more - Kyosho Beetle + more

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  1. Does anywhere in the UK reliably stock Vanquish kits?
  2. Rails on, front straight axle installed. enjoyable build so far, a welcome distraction from the stress of moving house
  3. My vote would be for an XV01. It’s a more complex/rewarding build than the TT02, and you end up with a vehicle that handles more like a rally car. The front motor position really helps it behave as you might expect, making it more fun in my eyes. for the body: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Choice-Of-New-Tamiya-1-10-Touring-Car-Body-For-190x257mm-w-b-TT01-TT02-TL01-/401805943431?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m2548.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 if that isn’t direct, use the picker and he has a 99 bodyset. however, it’s a lot more expensive for £230 + £43 vs the £104 that @Shergarsuggested, and there’s lots of fun to be had there too. Sat on the shelf looking pretty, there’s no difference 🙂 Or as some would say, buy both… 😄
  4. Put some class 1 tires on my JL. They’re intended for a straight axle truck, but aren’t looking too shabby with the portals
  5. Added some brass portal covers and took it for a drive no wheels lost, no screws backed out. Not the most challenging route, but my four year old was less nervous of this truck 😀
  6. Took the Ryft out on some muddy trails. Good fun, but still a little out of control. fun didn’t last though, all six wheel hub screws backed out. I only noticed sadly when I had one less wheel! weirdly the faux brake calliper on the same wheel had also backed out its two screws. Only found that as I walked back down the trail to the car. Heaving it down with rain now, so more mud tomorrow!
  7. EBay discount code got me this week, postie dropped it off today: new wheels and tires too, I’m chuffed 😀
  8. Finished up my new body for my SCX10 III , and its little brother
  9. I added weight to my portal covers, that seemed to help a lot and was an easy way to avoid the wheels but be low down. The rotational mass of wheel weights/hubs/heavy wheels going to make the motor and servo work harder, but if they're specced for it I don't see a problem. Certainly in a crawler where you're going a few mph.
  10. Lovely SCX24 haul from RCBitz and eBay
  11. Garden adventure with the 20 month old. Surprisingly aware of what to do, even if I do have to repeat “stop” to get him to release the throttle 😀 tested out my proposed new colour scheme for the SCX10 III, liking what I’m seeing. Nearly distracted by the yellow of the SCX24 though!
  12. Finally got the shift servo sorted, so all assembled now I’m gonna need to find some dirt to run on if I ever want to use 3s and turn. 2s is much better for the moment, hopefully I can get it out of the back garden this weekend and open it up a little
  13. New pinion, tyres and wheels for my SCX10 III the wheels are Amazon specials, but seem good so far. I’m doubly pleased as they’re making the body more to my liking. Might have to use the sticker set this weekend to finish it off.
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