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Hi all. I live in Aylesbury and was thinking if there is anyway near that I could go to learn how to drift and if there was anyone else that live near me aswell thanks

I have a 1.10 hpi fish 4wd bush y5ugurup.jpg

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I think what you have there man is a Flying Fish drifter, not an HPI. I could be wrong. I think a lot of the stickers say HQI (hqi) and it is a common mistake to make. Take a google of Flying Fish drifter. HPI don't make a chassis that looks like that I am afraid (or as far as I can remember) but hopefully another member can confirm this for me. I am only pointing it out so you know where to look for parts :D


As far as clubs go, try using http://www.modelclubs.co.uk to find local ones. Sadly the BRCA don't reconginse drifting as a competitive format (yet) so you can't search via it on their website. 

Hope that helps a little. 

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Ok well if you have a search for flying fish drifter on ebay you will see a few come up that are pretty much what you've got. Getting spares can be a little bit tricky but if you find an ebay reseller that stocks the car, chances are they can get you spares, however you may have to contact them directly.


A lot of clubs won't list they drift but if they do 1/10 electric on road/touring cars there may be a few people there who do it. In that case drop them an email. :)


EDIT: Another option is to go into a local hobby shop (LHS) and ask about drifters there. There might not be a club but there may be a casual meet or they could put you in touch with other drifters they know in the area. 

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Yep, that is the one. It's a starting point. It's rather basic and easy to break but that shouldn't be too much a problem. The biggest thing while your learning is to go slow. You want to be able to control the car at any speed. Those big drifts into tight turns require a lot of control and slow speed practice is key. If you never go faster than your ability level you shouldn't smash stuff really.

You will find the diffs will need some extra attention and also the drive shaft cups at these can take quite a beating from hard acceleration. That said drifting is about being smooth so there shouldn't be too much of a need for hard on/hard off control. 


I know its a bit of a drive (hour or so) but soul RC is based in Northhampton. They are one of the the greatest (if not the greatest) drift RC tracks in the UK. They have a circuit there as well as a small shop (although they won't stock parts for your flying fish sadly). That is a great place to get started. If you get in touch with them, explain you are new and maybe they can help you get started as well.


EDIT: It's worth pointing out Soul RC also offer help with getting started and setting up your car if you a beginner but for that they prefer you to pay for one of the larger pit spaces so there is room for you and a staff member. They also won't let you run clone cars. Now I am not sure if a flying fish is a clone (I don't believe it is but I am not sure) so you would have to ring and make sure before you get there. 


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Wow thank you all the info will be a big help and Northampton I know how to get there lol and will look them up to nite and what do you mean by clone car lol like someone have taken the idea of the car and made it there own or some thing lol

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Yes, a clone car is pretty much a copy. So for example is one of the big companies like Yokomo made a car, a company may copy the design without permission. That is a clone car. There are lots of clone cars that are 'legit' where the company has purchased the design but its often done with older models.

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Yeah thats the way. Try to set out of a figure of eight style track. It's a good way to learn to link corners as well as changing direction and controlling speed. You want to turn before the corner so the car is already sideways. If in doubt go look at some youtube videos of drifting. Watch the front wheels. You will be able to see direction and power. Don't hold the throttle down, just blip it to keep the wheels spinning to maintain the slide, that finger should never be still!


If you get tired try doing some gymkhana style donuts around an object for a while. Try and learn the link between acceleration and turning. You don't always need to do both at once. If you spin out, try again and go slower, keep track of all your steps. If you keep spinning out just practice a corner one section at a time. Going in (then just let the car slide out). Once you have mastered that, try to maintain the drift and angle. Once you can do that you need to get a grasp with exiting a corner.


The car can slide without speed, you don't need to go fast. It takes more skill to keep a slow SMOOTH tight figure of eight then any other track. Practice lots and before you know it you will be slide out around chair legs, under the cat and 360 parking it between the bin and computer. Oh and don't stress over it. 


Good luck, post your progress in here for others to see. Everyone here is lovely, can offer advice and tips. It's also handy for when other new drifters join for when they learn. 

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A big big thank you mate just been playing around with the front wheels like tilled them and that lol will set it up as I go along and learn how to drift I had it doing dounuts the other day but then the charge went as haven't been told how long to charge it for it's a y8yhe7uv.jpg then is dead on me lol ATM it's just keep trying and won't get stress as a very chilled guy lool

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What charger are you using? are there any lights on it, if so are any lighting up or not lighting up? How old is the battery (new or used)?


chances are at some point you will want to get a second battery any way so you drive for longer. There are quite a few different chargers around, some of which may be quicker than the one you have now. It's rather hard to tell over the internet what the problem is.


Plug the battery into the charger, sit with it for a while. Is the battery getting warm? If so it is charging and it could be the just the charger is being funny. If it doesn't it means it isn't charging, unfortunately this doesn't tell us which the problem is, but this is a good idea to see what happens!

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i actually have one of these card, hsp flying fish, mines had a couple of upgrades, they usually come with locked rear diff or at least mine did (mines the flying fish 2), if they wont spin in opposite directions, then its locked already, seen ur posts about making it rwd only, and its a waste of time, iv tried it, spins far too easily even with little throttle on drift tyres, and even on some rubber road tyres i have, i went back to 4wd after about 5 mins with each set of tyres for testing, one thing to look at upgrading if you can is the front arms, they develop a rattle after time, iv fixed mine with spacers for a temp fix until i can order parts, and the plastic hex that sit into the wheels didnt last more than 5 mins when i upgraded to a brushless setup, ripped through them other than that, mine has withstood a bit of kerb bashing and been solid, watch out for the front bumper/body mount holder underneath the foam, i snapped mine, and they are very hard to find for less than about 20 quid, i just made a custom one cos again, im not ordering any parts for it yet, but yeh, its a pretty good beginner car

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Ya on mine the wheels do spin like it not a lock diff lol after reading that will keep it the way it is for now why I am learning still lol. I do have both sets of wheels hard and rubber ones ATM it's just finding the space to learn as don't have much lol and I am looking at buying a new shell for it but don't really know what size it is been told it's a 200mm ? Any idea lol

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