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Electric Guides list


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I'm in the process of creating a universal listing of tutorials and guides to make RC easier for everyone, and to help answer a lot of the general questions people ask.


The aim is to make this the first stop for anyone who has an electrical  question and also to reduce the same questions being asked by new members. As well as a place for members to share their hints and tips with the rest of the community.




If anyone has any electrical guides or tutorials they would like to share please link the guide/tutorial and it will be added to the list  :)

Edited by -BEZ-
List updated :)
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iam looking for a brushed system to use in my drifter what turn motor and esc should i be looking at getting


Go brushless.

I've used both, in different chassis and found brushless to just be way better value for money, more than enough power and temps stay neutral.

I used the HobbyKing 2600kv motor, 45a esc on a 5000mAh 40-50C 2s, 80T spur, 16T pinion and it was perfect.

Hope that's of some help.

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