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adolf hamster

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Everything posted by adolf hamster

  1. hemistorm evidently doesnt seem to realise he's piling badass upon badass, maybe he does and doesnt care. we shall probably never know
  2. have things really gone this far since i quit petrol? thats some serious overkill right there.....
  3. paranoia, thy name is turnigy
  4. hmmm, stainless, was better than i was expecting, i was expecting some generic plastic sports bottle with the futaba logo on it.
  5. might not be a mainstream enough offence for the police to be bothered with. but its definatly a damn stupid thing to do. unfortunatly many people dont bother these days, personally i dont unless there's a need, indicating when theres nobody about is good practice, but unnessecary. edit: to add that regardless of the idiocy of other drivers, you do have to be careful even when people do indicate, personally i make damn sure i know what someone else is planning to do before i make a move, and this is doubly important on a bike, ok so if they false indicate and end up hitting you its legally their fault, but that wont do your corpse any good.
  6. and, y'know, a completely chrome fire extinguisher, nobody, not even the hse likes health and safety that much.....
  7. i'd comment about the level of fail there, but i really shouldnt have to
  8. didnt know this is what the xv-01 looked like, ees nice!
  9. another flame war, oh joy.... tbh, i am no longer capable of caring about the olympics, its like communism, the original theory is absolutely excellent and then over time people just turn it to rubbish, i've seen too many 'official sponsor of the london olympics' adverts to actually care about it any more. heard the openinc ceremony and beach volleyball was good, sadly didnt get to see either. the idiots hating this thread really should find something better to do with their time, its the internet guys, see something you dont like dont bother reading it, or didnt you read the manual?
  10. based on the bmw mini, yes of course thats as british as inventing sports we're no good at..........
  11. the german side, at least for the common soldiers was pretty much the same as ours, they fought the enemy not for ideals, not for religion, not for fame nor fortune, but because we would have killed them and their freinds if they didnt. to us, they were a grey uniform to be shot at us, for them we were a green uniform to be shot at. i watched a documentary about the dambusters, where a pilot of the mission met an aa gunner of one of the dams, and the german said: 'i'm sorry i shot at you, we were all so hypnotised by an ideal and you were just a black speck on the horizon, i know i killed your freinds but honestly i did not and i still do not wish that upon you' at which point all i could think is why did the german have to apologise? as barnetbasher said, war is war. bad things are done for no better reason than they had to be done to prevent oblivion.
  12. `the amount of d turbo's around here is shocking, unfortunatly they arent as good as that
  13. yes, the kb version is AWESOME!!!, whereas the normal version is mearly awesome...
  14. this is imo, a surprisingly less crazy idea than it sounds, from what i recall of knex it was damn tough stuff, plus if you break it its easy to fix. nice idea
  15. set out the thread well, and dont realistically expect more than 50% of whatever you paid for it originally. this hobby has shocking depreciation and its only greed that causes these problems be it greed on the part of the buyer or the seller. for buyers its simple: if you want something, and the price is fair, pay the price. haggling is one thing, being an idiot and losing a potentially good deal is another. if you dont have the money but you want it, well tough, the amount of nice things i've seen slip through my fingers cos of a cash flow problem. if your gonna ask someone to wait, then at least either be serious, or as i preferr tell them if they get an offer sooner not to feel guilty about selling it. for sellers, as i said above, dont realistically expect more than 50% of what you pay for things [unless some serious research proves you can expect otherwise, but for the love of god dont trust an ebay search, just cos someone is offering a buy it now price on summat dont mean its accurate, or that it will sell at that price], out of everything i've sold i think the most i've made back is 60% of the original price. and if buyers give you trouble, well hello my block button, unless you need money in a hurry then patience is the biggest virtue you can have, and if you do need money in a hurry, well selling things less than they're worth is the only way you'll get it. and that concludes hamsters sagely advice for not being an idiot when it comes to buying/selling
  16. hmm, spose. but not for the other question, how on earth did a white guy manage to spend 23 years in africa and not get shot
  17. begs the question, 23 year road trip? how on earth could he afford that, ok so africa is pretty cheap for buyin stuff [by our standards] but you'd need a lot of money to keep yourself stocked in food, fuel, water etc
  18. pedobear is getting smarter.... as a side note, i have no geniune reason to suspect any foul play with this auction, but it sure sounds funny
  19. well, some people seem to think size isnt everything, personally i like my wheels to be bigger than rocks/grass/roots/leaves etc
  20. 2 years? wow how time does fly, must admit, i've missed his 'unique' attitude to things. R.I.P. dude
  21. its a drifter, they dont want rear downforce its ok i guess, but tbh its just far too need for speed for my liking
  22. oh sweet jesus that thing has got the be the best thing i've seen all year, dont even care there's a weird collection of wires where the engine should be
  23. *thunk* ok, thanks for that, what i really needed this morning is to go to work with my jaw trailing on the floor.
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