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Everything posted by Wabom1981

  1. Got myself a luggage tray for the outback today and made some scale camping mats.
  2. New luggage rack arrived for the outback today so decided to make some scale foam camping mats!
  3. Postman must have known I'd just bought an FTX Outback! Thanks postie.
  4. Hey, I had a nitro firestorm a few years ago and found it to be tough little wagon, had a couple of broken lower arms but other than that was spot on. After a few years out of the hobby I returned and purchased a maverick strada MT which I have converted to a brushless system and changed shock oils and springs, I'm very impressed with the build quality to be honest, I feel that maybe the shock towers could do with an aluminium upgrade as there is a bit of flex there and a little loose around the steering system but it's a buget package so never going to have the true HPI quality. As of yet I haven't broken anything on mine, surprising really as it landed on its roof and cart wheeled down hills. Great entry level truck for the money!
  5. I think it's a great performer for the money! it's a little unstable outside of a slow crawl and over confident steering inputs but I'm loving mine so far. I've managed a fairly decent slow speed winding down the throttle rate on the standard radio system. Unfortunately I have nothing to compare it to other than balls out brushless monster truck but my introduction scale rock crawling has been a blast so far.
  6. Just thought I'd share a pic of my morning crawl in the garden, nothing earth shattering and a bogo standard wagon but I'm excited and loving what this truck can handle! Would have added more but can't work out how to with the file size limit
  7. WOW what a lovely paint job!! It was this thread that got me to buy my outback! Can't wait to add some realism to mine. Good job!
  8. Hello all, just wanted to intoduce myself to the forum. I'm a 36yr old big kid from Bristol. I run a maverick strada MT that I've converted to a brushless system and have recently purchased a FTX Outback treka (as of yet standard) as I'm finding it hard to stop watching scale rc crawling online! Apologies if this sounds like a lonely hearts ad!! many thanks.
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