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adolf hamster

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Everything posted by adolf hamster

  1. 'create additional rear end grip' wtf
  2. just thought i'd make a little addition oh top hole, i see that you only need a wingman on the battlefield eh old chap
  3. the radio's are reasonable, for the people that actually buy them who need absolute assurance that their uber expensive multi jet plane wont get turned into 6 months of complex police questioning and a big hole in the ground over a simple radio malfunction. as for the traxxas/hpi thing, well some of it is pretty unjustified, for example the savage is just far too expensive now, the price is meant to go down on old designs, not up. i can sort of see the pricing for the x-01 however. they really did put a lot into that thing and innovation sadly does not come cheap.
  4. dont forget tiffin old chap, and what say for a lark we get the veterans to give us a few pointers on the run.
  5. agreed with thunderwolf, spent all that time watching it go through london only to get 'sorry we have no imagery here' on a white screen. good thing i've already wasted the last 2 weeks to not care or i'd have had to think of something harsher to say
  6. i feel a grand slam or five would be just the ticket old chap. we'll show jonny politician who's boss what!
  7. well, it really depends. its not all in one big spend, but there are a few essentials [for the baja's at least] that i'd reccommend out of the box: good 2.4ghz here, you really dont wanna skimp when you have something that size, anything from a dx3s up should be ok good hump pack, the stock one aint exactly up to much. iirc i got an ansmann one for like
  8. take a look at some of the combi drivers on modelsport, the metric ones will cover what you need. have me one of the early fastrax ones and its been brilliant, although occasionally too short for some jobs. if your gonna go for seperate drivers then defo go with eds, i bought the fastrax ones and i've had to replace the lot because they keep stripping the grub screws
  9. if ye have the cash to run petrol, its great fun. theyre quite a bit easier to run in, its more just a case of taking it easy for a tank or two then letting them rip. problem is, it takes a LOT of money, i sank over
  10. if your new, then dont dismiss a kit. when i get a new model the first thing i do is reduce it to parts and check everything anyway, you never know what you might find. plus knowing how everything goes together will vastly improve how you get on with your car. rtr's will need breaking in. and quite a few need a few tweaks out of the box anyway. hump packs for the reciever for one thing,
  11. thats a nice lookin truggy. tbh the only thing i've drooled over recently is the new nuova faor mx bike. because it appeals to me on just about every level i am aware of and quite a few i'm not
  12. if you can hold it without being burnt, as a general rule it should be fine. although as conica said, might be worth checking the credentials of your charger. say if its a 1500 mah battery, then you dont want to be charging any more than 1.5 amps, if its lower than thats fine, in fact better
  13. me bag for tech, a 5l bottle of water, and a boiler suit.
  14. shame theres probably gonna be non-politicians there, otherwise a little bombing run might show them the error of their ways....
  15. its a nice product, and i dont think i can deny its effectiveness. it will ofc mean an end to the whole glue the tyre-to the rim-to your trousers-to your leg-to the chair-to the floor routine.
  16. well apart from their racing section, pretty much tamiya seems to be living in the past, so many re-releases its unreal. thing is, their scale rc and static scale market is still top notch.
  17. loving the effect on the carbon fibre, my best guess is its something like anodised aluminium threads in the weave?
  18. some nitros can be so finnicky even a cold day will throw them off. shouldnt worry too much fella what you've done to it is the equivalent of breathing through a gas mask all day then taking it off [obviously in fresh air]
  19. basically, its an add-on chamber that takes a port just below the carb. the idea is when the crank port is open, obviously air+fuel is rushing in. when it closes its like closing a tap really quickly, there's a build up of pressure. what this chamber does it take this extra pressure and then adds it into the air/fuel mix the next time the port is open. at least thats the theory. in practice its
  20. i love the way there looks to be space for a 4 stroke, i love the way there are discs front and back. i dont know what colour i want
  21. i dont have the words to describe this, but i have the words to describe what it did to me.... man wee, so much man wee. on a side note, loving the servo saver/shock idea
  22. had the same thing happening to me a while back, must admit its well done. start her up in safe mode and do a system restore. that'll fix it. been getting another one recently [think its from fb] claiming to be antivirus, good thing i dont run anti virus or i coulda been fooled
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