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Ziggy122 last won the day on December 30 2024

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About Ziggy122

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    North Nottinghamshire
  • Interests
    Sleeeeeeeppp.... please let me sleeeeepp.....
  • RC Cars
    <lightly restored Rush Evo><Hyper 7 tq (.21)><Traxxas Rustler VXL With Lipo><Picco MiniZ Helicopter>
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  1. definitely a market for something on the 6x4 / 6x6 / 8x8 models people like the idea of just purr brute go anywhere! or making them into Recovery/ transport trucks
  2. I'd say I need to expand and use more for sure I've over past few days had an idea of making a mini 6x6 of an 8x8 by butchering 2 models up gotta do some research but I feel it could be done! Ziggy
  3. is that just a bloke thing? Ignore it for as long as possible? i don't like going doctors tbh, I don't feel like my issues are important... Don't we all wish to win? if I could win big enough to retire now I would but alas that never happens if i won enough to clear the mortgage then I would be happy! that would free some £600 odd a month back! ziggy
  4. Yes they do! space is a little short getting a new ESC and radio in It's do able but needs planning Battery space is still a limiting factor Ziggy
  5. Isn't DC side more focused on those who bash off grid/ No AC available? so charging off a 12v car battery for example? and going DC to DC is alot easier voltage changes vs changed AC to Dc (which is alot easier vs going DC to AC) And to Note 1 power supply in and multiple OUTS, meaning something has to give or you need one hell of an supply in! If I got another charger, I'd look at Dc only and using a power supply, as the power supply can be used for other things too! Ziggy
  6. Similiar to the RC goals thread but this isn't RC related this time! it's nearly 2025 what are your goals / resolutions me? 1. Get out of debt, im super close to been out the car loan money my target is to be clear by November 2025! 2. Get money sorted, not terrible with it, but need to get better accounts and to get a life saver fory daughter/save for a Car! The house took it all... 3. Like to move jobs, it's toxic at times, with timings set by people who don't actually do the job/2nd income if possible! 4. Get the house extension finished! I've slacked after a rough 2024.... and touch up the bits that need fixing still, like getting a finished bathroom! 5. If I can some up the courage but finally get my head fixed cause its got huge cracks that aren't good for me... 1 step will be todo sumet for my mum on her passing anniversary to help remember her by! So what you doing for yourself? How you gonna get 2025 rolling? Ziggy
  7. Banned for keen observation skills 🤣
  8. So it's nearly time to set yhe new years resolutions etc But what's your RC goals for 2025? Me? I've got 2 ideas which to show the world the fun of RC cars! 1 is a business idea the other is a Guide to where to play/have fun with your models in my Local area but the business idea is a slow burner atm as I don't have funds but the guide thing can be done now. but would be better with another model/bigger RC to mess around with! What's do you want 2025 to bring to you? Ziggy
  9. Look at thr FTX Tracer on Likes of Modelsport! If you use Ali or Banggood you can get the HBX 16889a Pro Ravage which is the same truck! the Pro version has an upgraded driveline which the ftx version doesn't come with in the box! But getting spares is looking for the FTX Tracer:) It's a 1/16th scale Pro is Brushless+Lipo fun! Great little truck to get you into the hobby again! ziggy
  10. Scrap that, just seen you said Brushless.... So Battery is next step forward! Nimh swap to Li-ion/Lipo Look at the discharge rating (C) I believe my stock battery is my HBX (copy of the Ftx version) is a 20c or 25c pack So getting a Higher Capacity and a Higher discharge will help to keep the punch needed to move I've heard from the HBX/FTX owners group on FB, that some are running 3cell Lipo on stock electronics! however I can't see how the Low voltage cut off will work.... I've seen many owners also swapping the Electronics to independent ESC radio and slapping 3 cell in! as well! ziggy
  11. Is it a Brushed or Brushless setup? a 1000mah battery is referring to the capacity / how long the battery lasts between charges IF you have a Nimh Battery @ 7.2v that's fairly much as good as it goods Swapping to to LI-ION, may help as these batteries can provide more Punch (more current flow without loosing too much voltage) But Li-ion won't work on a NIMH charger and they do need a low voltage cutoff to prevent damage LiPO give more Punch vs LI-ion however Lipo needs to be charged carefully and needs a Low voltage cutoff also to prevent damage Li-ion is a little more stable vs Lipo But you need to seriously watch the voltages If you have a Brushes setup, Brushless is the way to go! Just upgraded the driveline! Ziggy
  12. Finally pulled my finger out and got the protective coating off and stuck the decals on Finally fitted the lights into the bumper and unclipped the power cable so it's easier to plug the battery in Now to see about getting the diffs regressed to try and increase the power been put down! Ziggy
  13. Just watched the New Wallace and Gromit film, and I think they did a brilliant job finding a replacement voice for Wallace, since the passing of Peter Salis


    Forever a Wallace and Gromit fan tho!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stormbringer


      whats it called ?

    3. Stormbringer


      It was on today and I watched it really enjoyable :good:

    4. Yorkshireman


      I watched it yesterday too...brilliantly funny 😄 

  14. banning myself for killing the game 😆😆
  15. i hate people who think indicators mean they can do what they like... indicators aren't a right of way like many think 😞 Will get my 2 wagons up soon ziggy
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