Similiar to the RC goals thread
but this isn't RC related this time!
it's nearly 2025
what are your goals / resolutions
1. Get out of debt, im super close to been out the car loan money
my target is to be clear by November 2025!
2. Get money sorted, not terrible with it, but need to get better accounts and to get a life saver fory daughter/save for a Car! The house took it all...
3. Like to move jobs, it's toxic at times, with timings set by people who don't actually do the job/2nd income if possible!
4. Get the house extension finished! I've slacked after a rough 2024.... and touch up the bits that need fixing still, like getting a finished bathroom!
5. If I can some up the courage but finally get my head fixed cause its got huge cracks that aren't good for me...
1 step will be todo sumet for my mum on her passing anniversary to help remember her by!
So what you doing for yourself? How you gonna get 2025 rolling?