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Everything posted by Steve-O2021

  1. Just wondering if anyone on here got the DJI Mini 3 price error deal from Argos? It was the £800 Mini 3 pack complete with 3 batteries, case and the transmitter that has the LCD Screen built in all for an amazing £282... Must be Bargain of the year for £282!!!!! Argos must have had a big loss with that one as it said 100+ sold when I looked at it on the Argos page, someone maybe lost there job over that... They honoured it as well or at least they honoured the ones that were collected
  2. Nice looking good Ordered a one, hopefully I didn't do and more damage as I drove it slowly for another 5 miles with the driveshaft flopping about everywhere, couldn't be arsed carrying it lol
  3. > Plastic hinge pin holder at the bottom back of front diff HPI# (aluminium upgrade Vorza#67384 or HPI #101768 I find the stock plastic front pin holder keeps snapping every so often, is the Vorza part known as a good soution to stopping this? Thanks
  4. Ahhh just thought if you tested it with the mechanical speedo at least you know it's not a setting on the esc. Oh your battery is 100% charged isn't it? Another thing you could do is strip the motor as it will be stripable and post some pics of the comm and brushes etc. Also check the bearings in the motor
  5. https://site.petitrc.com/Tech/RCCA_MotorTimingExplained/ Looks like your set to 15 Deg timing in the image you posted. There should be screws in the end bell bit that you can loosen and turn the end of it to adjust the timing.
  6. The stock motor should be a silver can motor, the one fitted is a Demon Modified motor with adjustable timing. Just wondering how fast was it on the mechanical speedo?
  7. Eg this one is no where near like yours and went for over £120 - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266055517131?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Sw4nLmglTzG&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=eHUxVO3MTke&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. To be honest this one looks too clean to use. They do sell for a lot on ebay and this one of yours looks new
  9. Back when I had one brushless wasn't around and it was all 27mhz crystals etc and transmitters with 6ft antennas lol... Only mods I did was an ESC and Modified Motor
  10. Used to have one of these and the Mardave V12 🙂
  11. Funny thing is I have some but couldn't be bothered going to get them from the garage lol
  12. I think mine came shipped at 2.5v per cell but charged fine and no issues so far excellent runtime 🙂 I'm wondering if they do it to stop people complaining about the packs not being the stated rating eg when I charged the pack from the shipped voltage of 2.5v per cell it gave the full stated mah rating?
  13. No so good when I wanted to do some mods and had to take them apart again....
  14. I think the money Kev makes he could easily buy you a new or better one if something broke during one of his pranks 🙂 lol
  15. Think I will try this mod 🙂
  16. Had it out on Sunday and so far noticed - - Seems to lean to the left on acceleration or is this normal for crawlers when they are going full throttle? Not really an issue just looks funny lol - Could do with more grip, should I put a hole in the tyre or wheel to vent them to allow them to form rocks better? - Likes to wheelie over / tip over backwards going up inclines. Any tips for this? Wheel weights at the front? Was wondering if the underdrive mod would help as it would slow the rear rotation a little more at the rear Upgrades so far is 35kg servo I had spare and a 1080 esc on its way Also stripped all the gear areas down and packed them with grease
  17. Thanks will look into them Another Q is what size lipo do these take? And 2 or 3 s? Thanks
  18. Thanks will look into them Another Q is what size lipo do these take? And 2 or 3 s? Thanks
  19. What parts do I need to do the extension mod? Thanks
  20. Cool thanks, suppose at that price I won't loose money if I goto sell it on
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