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Everything posted by Cabbagey

  1. http://www.pcworld.com/article/2027945/how-to-banish-metro-from-your-windows-8-pc-forever.html Try this
  2. Don't see why you're saying he's wrong, yes alienwares aren't the greatest he's bought it now so you can't change that. Enjoy buddy, might not be the greatest for the money but you'll have fun with it Although, you might want to consider getting rid of metro on Windows 8, silly layout imo
  3. once spent the best part of 30 minutes trying to figure out why my firestorm was barely moving at full throttle Turns out when i had not tightened the wheels and forgotten, biggest facepalm
  4. remember the 119mph is without considering the effects of drag etc, which could be a major factor
  5. I think with a fresh coat of magenta, you will have to beat off potential buyers with a stick
  6. Cabbagey

    Chat Quotes

    17:34:57 PurcyP: no, driving manual is physically tiring 17:34:58 Bubbles: purcy 17:34:59 Bubbles: stahp 17:35:11 Cabbagey: get a bike 17:35:18 Bubbles: but youre not quick shifting on the motorway are you 17:35:28 PurcyP: dude you seen me drive recently? watching my left leg is like watching a bloke try n do the hookey cokey drunk
  7. Have you checked the throttle trim on your transmitter?
  8. Anyone just see the heli on storage wars?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cabbagey


      this one, they get a huge box full of big lipos :o
    3. stebro


      nice bit of kit, even if it was hobby grade as he said

    4. DannyP


      What's that flappy bar with the two squares attached to it?...

  9. If you're racing it, you usually only need a brushed motor or power is wasted. http://www.modelsport.co.uk/hpi-saturn-20t-motor-540-type-/rc-car-products/14095
  10. Budget? Converting your Hyper is a good option
  11. Didn't quite catch that, those dictionary things are great by the way
  12. This thing works wonders for me. Edit: Only
  13. Looks fine to me The numbers on the knobs wont matter, just need to turn them until your motor isn't making a noise when its not moving. Make sure steering trim is okay too
  14. make sure the car cant run off and turn the throttle trim on your transmitter up/down
  15. Pro tip: people will like you more if you embed images Edit: also, wires man
  16. After years of using nimh, I can safely say lipo is the single greatest thing to happen to rc since the invention of the electric motor

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Matt B

      Matt B

      Plus, NiMH's actually explode more violently when they go. Sanyo cells were nicknamed "shotgun cells" and it wasn't for no reason

    3. Dom C

      Dom C

      Yeah as Matt said nimh's in some respects are more dangerous as they go off like shotgun cartridges li po's just burn. :) In 4 years of using Li po I've only ever had one go up in smoke. (last year at the jam nice big 4s)

    4. PurcyP


      LOL didnt even realise, wow..well il have to invest in lipo at some point then when i get a leccy buggy, give my starter box some extra umph too

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