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Everything posted by HayWayne

  1. That's funny - I have a bearded pal, also called AJ, and loves his RC cars, but not the same person. 🤣
  2. After my most recent trim.
  3. Just found the car I first owned. Oh how things have moved on!!! 🤣 https://rctoymemories.com/2016/09/11/metro-taiyo-jet-hopper-1986/
  4. Cheers! Spent a lot of my youth in nearby Didcot and Abingdon. I'm looking to fix it first - but on discovering that there are seemingly no replacement servos or motors in stock anywhere, I figured there might be some swap-outs I could use - so essentially an 'upgrade'. In the same way that I can't seem to find a replacement shock assembly. The ones on the car currently are plastic, and one of the little posts that stick through the shell (where the pins go through to hold it on) has snapped off, and I can only seem to find metal ones - so again, and 'upgrade' maybe... 🤣 I was hoping to get this one back working with as little cost as possible, given my son flits from one thing to another - so likely me spending upward of £100 would be wasted money.
  5. Just a quick hello from me 47 yr old dad from MK, looking to fix/upgrade my son's Ripmax Husky. I've enjoyed RC cars ever since I was a kid, but never really 'got into' them - just the occasional present over the years. I grew up around cars (big ones) as my dad was a mechanic, so I was always helping him out - back when they were just engines, gearboxes and chassis with a few wires for lights and such - so I'm hoping that'll stand me in good stead for this job. I'm currently at the 'taking it all apart' stage, trying to see if there's anything obvious as to why it doesn't work (it just kind of 'twitches' when you try and operate it). Then 'll go through replacing various parts on the process of elimination - but seems there are a few parts that are either discontinued or just very hard to find and possibly not worth replacing as they cost almost half the cost of the car complete (this part for example; https://wheelspinmodels.co.uk/i/177005/?gclid=CjwKCAjwiOCgBhAgEiwAjv5whIfXvTX_28tPubhzSSn2QpRXVfdg6LujLgXHHkqVXw3kPAOt_VBllBoCJPkQAvD_BwE). Looking forward to picking brains, and finding out new things that I haven't even considered. Cheers for now. Wayne
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